Curt Sheller is available for concerts, workshops, book signings, festivals, etc. Contact Curt directly or Kelly for the quickest response or more information.
Cost depends on the type of event, how many people at the event, where the event is located, if the venue/booking agent is supplying sound/lighting/backline, travel expenses etc. Contact Curt directly or Kelly for the quickest response. ( It's more affordable than your think. )
Visit Curt's personal site: curtsheller.com for music, video, additional information and the most up-to-date performance and workshops dates for Curt and/or The Curt Sheller Jazz Trio.
Kelly Thompson
484 • 415 • 9677
Bernadette Sheller
484 • 942 • 8041
Curt Sheller
484 • 942 • 8040
2025 Dates
Looking to do a bit more performing and workshops in the future. Call or contact Kelly, Bernadette or Curt to set something up.
Performances & Workshops
- Funky Frets Uke Fest – October 2-5 • Performance and Workshops
- VA Ukapalooza, Mechanicsburg, VA USA — TBA
Vendor (Funky Frets Music Store)
- ESVA UkeFest, Cape Charles, VA USA — June 13-15
- Allegheny Ukulele Soirée, Altoona, PA USA — April 25-27
- Funky Frets Uke Fest — October 2-5
- VA Ukapalooza, Mechanicsburg, VA USA — TBA
2024 Dates
Looking to do a bit more performing and workshops in the future. Call or contact Kelly, Bernadette or Curt to set something up.
Performances & Workshops
- The Listening Room — May 10 • Solo Jazz Ukulele, Reading City Church, 644 Penn Ave, West Reading • Suggested Donation $10 per person.
- Allegheny Ukulele Soirée — April 26-28 • Solo and Two Workshops •
- Funky Frets Uke Fest – October 3-6 • Solo and Workshops • Funky Frets Uke Fest • Boyertown, PA, United States • Presenting one workshop and performing.
Vendor (Funky Frets Music Store)
- Memphis Uke'n'Roll — April 18-21
- Allegheny Ukulele Soirée — April 26-28
- Funky Frets Uke Fest — October 3-6
- VA Ukapalooza — November 1-2
2023 Dates
Looking to do a bit more performing and workshops in the future. Call or contact Kelly, Bernadette or Curt to set something up.
Performances & Workshops
- New Jersey Uke Fest – September 8-9 • Friday night performance and Saturday workshops.
- Funky Frets Uke Fest – October 5-8 • Solo and Workshops • Funky Frets Uke Fest • Boyertown, PA, United States • Solo performance.
- Ukulele Harmonic Convergence (UHC) VI — May 20 • Lancaster, PA, United States
- Allegheny Ukulele Soirée — April
2022 Dates
Looking to do a bit more performing and workshops in the future. Call or contact Kelly, Bernadette or Curt to set something up.
- Funky Frets Uke Fest • October 7-8-9 — Solo and Workshops • Funky Frets Uke Fest — Boyertown, PA, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.
2021 Dates
- Funky Frets Uke Fest • October 1-2-3 - Solo and Workshops • CANCELLED Due to COVID
2020 Dates
- October 4-5-6 — Solo and Workshops — VIRTUAL • Funky Frets Uke Fest - Boyertown, PA, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.
- October 16-17 - Solo and Workshops - CANCELLED due to COVID-19 Pandemic • Vermont Ukulele Harvest - Next Stage Artisan, 15 Kimball Hill, Putney, Vermont, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.
Every Wednesday — The World Famous Barto Jam hosted by Jack Murry and Nick Franclik, On-Hold with new dates TBA
2019 Dates
March 2, 2019 - Performing
Ukulele Harmonic Convergence (UHC) IV — Lancaster, PA, United States • performing.
March 16, 2019 - Performing and Workshops
Gaithersburg Uke Fest — Epworth United Methodist Church, Gaithersburg, MarylandPA, United States • performing and presenting several workshops.
October 2-3-4 - Solo, Trio and Workshops
6th AnnualFunky Frets Uke Fest - Boyertown, PA, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.
2018 Dates
October 5-6-7 — Solo and Workshops
5th AnnualFunky Frets Uke Fest - Boyertown, PA, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.

2017 Dates
March 18 - Solo and Workshops
House Concert - Herdon, VA, I'll be presenting two (3) `ukulele workshops (Ukulele Doodling: Introduction to Scales and Soloing on Ukulele, Exploring Jazz Chords on Ukulele ). Followed by a solo concert.
Here is an announcement from the Glen Hirabayashi who is hosting the workshops and performance.
It's like getting six months worth of lessons all in one day.
Friday, April 14 – Trio
Half Moon Cafe - 313 Main St. Oley, PA •The Curt Sheller Jazz Trio. We'll be doing a lot of new songs.

Saturday, April 22 - Workshops
4th annual Allegheny Ukulele Soiree - The Laurel Lodge Altoona, PA, I'll be presenting three (3) `ukulele workshops (Learning the Ukulele Fingerboard, Ukulele Doodling: Introduction to Scales and Soloing on Ukulele, Building Left Hand Technique ) and with Lil' Rev there I'll sure to be sitting in.

Friday, May 26 - Solo 7-8PM
Fourth Friday Art Walk - Solo 7-8PM @ Building a Better Boyertown, 3 E. Philadelphia Ave, - 7PM

June 24 - Solo
Godfrey Daniels - 7 E 4th St., Bethlehem, PA • Solo opening slot for The Kennedys

August 26 - Trio and Workshops
New Jersey Uke Fest - 7 E 4th St., Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, Morristown, NJ

October 6-7-8 - Solo and Workshops
Funky Frets Uke Fest - Boyertown, PA, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.

October 14 - Solo Performance, Workshops and Vendor • Bring goodies from our Funky Frets Music Store
Vermont Ukulele Harvest - Main Street Arts · Saxtons River, Vermont, United States • Presenting several workshops and performing.
All-day UKULELE Mini-Fest, with Awesome Workshops, Vendors, Open Mic Stage, Hot Jam Sessions, Catered Yummy Lunch, and an All-Star Evening Concert!
Featuring: Victoria Vox, Curt Sheller, Ben Carr, Lisa McCormick, Jane Davies, and Veronica Stevens.

2016 Dates
- Saturday, April 23, 2016 6:00 PM - Funky Frets, Boyertown, PA - Solo set for Jazz Appreciation Month.
- Saturday, April 2, 2016 - The Other Farm Brewing Company, Boyertown, PA - Trio, Opening for Andy Mowatt.
- Saturday, April 23, 2016 - Funky Frets Jazz Appreciation Night, Boyertown, PA - Solo.
- Saturday, May 21, 2016 - Bear's Den, 133 S Chestnut St, Boyertown, PA - Funky Frets Acoustic Night - Solo Ukulele
- Thursday - Sunday, August 18-21, 55th Philadelphia Folk Festival, Harleysville, PA (as vendor and lot of jams at the booth)
- Friday - Saturday, August 26–27, Ukrainian American Cultural Center, Whippany, NJ
- Sunday, September 11, 2016 - Schuylkill Valley Boys Uke Jam, Garrett Mill Park Pavilion, Route 3 (West Chester Pike) & Route 926, Willistown Pa. - Solo performance as well as a duo with Betsy Manning.
- Friday, September 30, 2016 - Funky Frets Uke Fest, Boyertown, PA - Trio
- Friday, October 14, 2016 - Funky Frets Night at the Boyertown PickFest, Other Farm Brewing Company, Boyertown, PA - Trio
2015 Dates
- Friday, August 28, 2015 - New Jersey Uke 3, Morristown, NJ - Solo
- Sunday, August 30, 2015 - MorningStar Studios, East Norriton, PA - Recording session for How About More Uke? CD. This is a my long in the works jazz ukulele CD.
- Monday, September 10, 2015 - MorningStar Studios - more work on the CD.
- Monday, September 20, 21, 2015 - MorningStar Studios - Final batch of 6 or 7 songs.
- Monday, September 28, 2015 - MorningStar Studios - Final tweaks and off to mixing, mastering, art and release.
- Friday and Saturday, October 2-3, 2015 - Funky Frets Uke Fest, Boyertown, PA - Solo, Duo and Jazz Trio
- Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - MorningStar Studios - mixing and any last minute tweaks.
- Saturday, October 17, 2015 - Boyertown Pickfest, Boyertown, PA - Jazz Trio on the Phoenix Crane Stage
- Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - MorningStar Studios - mixing How About More Uke?.
- Monday, Tuesday, November 2-3, 2015 - MorningStar Studios - mixing - mastering How About More Uke?.
- Saturday, November 7, 2015 - Bear's Den, 133 S Chestnut St, Boyertown, PA - Funky Frets Acoustic Night - Solo Ukulele
- Saturday, November 21, 2015 - UkeFest VA 2015, Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen, VA
- Sunday, November 22, 2015 - Recipe for Success Ukulele Workshop, 600 E. Philadelphia Ave., Funky Frets, Boyertown, PA
2003 to 2014
Random Ukulele Festival and Performances including
- Poconos, PA (Uke Fest)
- New York Uke Fest
- Southern California Uke Fest
- Mid West Uke Fest
- Windy City Uke Fest
- MAUI (Mid Atlantic Uke Invitational)