Learning Ukulele with Curt

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Live Events!!!

LearningUkulele.com / Learning Ukulele with Curt and Funky Frets Music Store, in addition to their annual Funky Frets Uke Fest are presenting a series of concerts, workshops, and events throughout the year — Both virtual and in-person.

Keep and eye and bookmark this page for announcements

2025 Workshop Schedule

Workshop schedule will resume January 2nd 2025.

Theses workshops are virtual via ZOOM , so you can attend from anywhere.

If you're a LearningUkulele.com Premium GOLD or FOREVER Member these workshops are FREE .

After your register, we'll send you ZOOM invite/link and password to get access to the workshop the week before the workshop starts.


Learning the Ukulele Fingerboard

It is Not As Hard As One Would Think

Thursday, January 2, 2025 @ 8PM EST (2000 -5UTC)

This is a FREE workshop to kick off the NEW year, 2025 and Curt's birthday LearningUkulele.com & Funky Frets LIVE.

Memorizing "The Notes of the Ukulele Fingerboard" Is Not As Hard As One Would Think.

Learning the Ukulele Fingerboard — It is astonishing that on any other instrument it would be silly and not accepted to not know the names of the notes and where they are on your own instrument. But — on the ukulele, guitar and most fretted instruments their players do not know the names intuitively — they can figure them out but that takes way too long. Granted it's not as easy as the piano where higher and lower notes move in one direction only, are color coded and even at different heights. Anyone after the first or second lesson can instantly name any key on the piano.

This is one area that gives you the biggest ROI, return on investment. Actually allows to not rely on sooo... many shapes.

Finally, really learning and knowing the notes of the Ukulele Fingerboard is a liberating movement in ones musical development and opens the ukulele up for. It also allows you the flexibility of not having to remember so many shapes. There are simply way too many chords, scale and notes patterns, and shapes to remember. It all comes down the notes.

In this workshop your get proven, time-test methods to actually get a handle on this daunting task. And, it really, really pays off.

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

All Levels

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard


Bass for Ukulele Players

All Musicians Should Be Able to Play a Bit of Bass

Thursday, January 9 & 16 @ 8PM EST (2000 -5UTC)

Bass, the bottom, the low end. In music, this is one essential musician, always in demand and in short supply. All musicians should be able to play a bit of bass.

This workshop gets you started with being a bass player and the minimum requirement musically to start and fulfill the bass player role. It's a lot easier than you think and the workshop is intended to get you to sound like a bass player and not a ukulele play playing the bass.

  • What Is the Role of the Bass?
  • Tuning
  • Outlining the Chords
  • Rhythmic Styles
  • Chord Types & Chords Tones
  • Right Hand / Left Hand Technique
  • and a lot more...

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

All Levels

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard


Triads - You Already Know More Than You Think • CANCELLED

Three notes, how hard can that be?

Thursday, February 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 8PM EST (2000 -5UTC)

On-line workshops will be pre-recorded and posted at a later date. For now you can view the workshops from 2022.

At the heart of just about every chord is a triad. This workshop explores these powerful harmonic and melodic music gems.

We'll explore the traditional major, minor, diminished, and augmented triads and contemporary triads, starting with the triads you already know but don't know you already know. Finally learning the contemporary triads, just what a sus2, sus4, add2, add9 chord is. And, how to use them.

Triads can be used for everything from creating melodies and improvisation with single notes and chords all the way to creating contemporary songs.

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

All Levels

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard


Alternating Thumb Style for Ukulele • CANCELLED

Travis, Scruggs Fingerpicking Style for Ukulele

Tuesday, February 11, 18, 25 @ 8PM EST (2000 -5UTC)

On-line workshops will be pre-recorded and posted at a later date. For now you can view the workshops from 2022.

Exploring Basic Fingerstyle on Ukulele. Classical and Alternating Thumb style fingerstyle technique applied to ukulele.

Fingerpicking for Ukulele - Alternating Thumb Style, focuses on the alternating thumb fingerpicking style through a series of graduated lessons-chapters incorporating your index and middle fingers with the alternating thumb.

For this workshop we'll walk through and explore the Alternating Thumb Style on Ukulele.

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

All Levels

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard


Rhythm, Avoid at Your Own Peril • CANCELLED

The Often Neglected and Taken For Granted Subject of Rhythm

Thursday, March 6, 13, 20 @ 8PM EST (2000 -5UTC)

On-line workshops will be pre-recorded and posted at a later date. For now you can view the workshops from 2022.

The often neglected and taken for granted subject of Rhythm. Music is Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm. We are drawn, initially to music by melody at a very early age, with the instrument of our voice. With ukulele you typically learn chords - the harmony and never really dive into learning rhythm. Unless you're a drummer we take rhythm for granted.

Rhythm has traditionally been taught as a function of math, particularly fractions. Though accurate, this approach has missed one of the most fundamental facts of rhythm. Rhythm is a language and is, as such, phonetic not mathematical. The average student exposed to the math orientation of rhythm has rarely absorbed the essence of rhythm and rarely even becomes proficient at reading rhythm. This often becomes a lifetime barrier to the developing musician.

In this s workshop we'll learn rhythm, just as we learned how to talk. No more counting beats.

There is a strong correlation between the ability to spell and strong fundamentals in phonics. Phonetic skills allow us to “sound out” words, even words that we’ve never seen before! We understand the principle of sound as it applies to phonetic combinations. The "sight" of the letter combination triggers a reflexive "sound"; reaction. If rhythm could be broken down into phonetic units, then rhythm would become an easily recognized aural language.

This workshop covers:

  • The core four levels of how any give beat can be subdivided. And the Rhythmic Syllables that are created.
  • Apply this the strumming and fingerpicking on the ukulele.
  • Learn just what the famous jazz trumpeter meant when he said he Thinks in rhythm.

Triads can be used for everything from creating melodies and improvisation with single notes and chords all the way to creating contemporary songs.

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

All Levels

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard


Essential Strums for Ukulele - A Guide to Ukulele Strums • CANCELLED

Don't know what to play or tired of playing the same old down-up-down-up strums?

Tuesday, March 11, 18, 25 @ 8PM DST (2000 -4UTC)

On-line workshops will be pre-recorded and posted at a later date. For now you can view the workshops from 2022.

Don't know what to play or tired of playing the same old down-up-down-up strums? One of the first skills a ukulele player learns is the art and craft of strumming, playing rhythm. This refers to an accompaniment technique suitable for the singer-songwriter or someone who plays a support role for another instrument.

Strumming requires a specific set of skills. They are: 1) Memorization of chords. 2). The ability to switch chords smoothly and 3) The ability to choose and execute a suitable rhythmic strum. It is this 3rd skill that is our focus in A Guide to Ukulele Strums.

Though strumming looks natural to the casual observer, it is anything but natural to the beginning ukulele player. Even experienced players have difficulty in identifying and executing certain strums. Though this is one of those topics that is typically taken for granted, there is much to learn about rhythmic feels, accents, dynamics, strum direction, feel, percussive accents, idiomatic styles and tempo variation.

Learn These Essential Strums and a lot more:

  • Quarter Note Strum
  • Sustain Strum
  • Rock Strum
  • Light Rock Strum 1
  • 12/8 Strum
  • Shuffle Strum
  • Power Shuffle Strum
  • Double Time Strum
  • Gallop Strum
  • Flowing 3/4 Strum
  • Ska Strum
  • Bass Note Strum Patterns
  • 3/4 Strum
  • Reggae Strum
  • Broken Patterns

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

All Levels

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard


Exploring Jazz Chords on Ukulele • CANCELLED

Using the Big 6, Core 4-part Chords

Wednesday, April 2, 9, 16, 23 @ 8PM DST (2000 -4UTC)

On-line workshops will be pre-recorded and posted at a later date. For now you can view the workshops from 2022.

If you know these basic open-position chords you have what is needed to start your adventure into jazz chords.

Exploring contemporary 4-part, a.k.a. "Jazz" chord on ukulele all start with the Big Six, Core Chords. You most likely know the open position chords they're based on.

From the Six core chords that are the Big Six and the principles of chord construction along with learning the notes of the ukulele fingerboard, you WILL be able to create ANY chord you come across just from the name.

These jazz chords are simply 4-part contemporary chords that find their way in a lot of music - not just jazz.

The Big Six Core Chords are: Seventh, Minor Seventh, Major Seventh, Diminished Seventh, Half-Diminished Seventh, Augmented Seventh

From these six core chords you'll never be at a loss looking for that individual chord you need.

For More Info & and to view this workshop's 2022 video

Advanced Beginner

Learning the ukulele Fingerboard

Available Workshops

Here area few more workshops that we have planned in 2025.

Exploring Songs

From simple to complex, it's all about the song — Learning Songs

  • NEWI'm a Believer — Learn the Intro, Organ Fills, and Instrumental Break (Wipe Out).
  • Saint James Infirmary — Learn the Accompaniment, Melody, Improv, and Melody and Chord to this classic blues.
  • Red River Valley — Learn how we can create a simple melody and chord arrangement to the classic folk song.
  • I'll Remember April — With this song we'll really challenge yourself with a very sophisticated melody and chord arrangement. This is one of the songs I recorded on my 2026/17 How About More Uke? jazz ukulele. trio CD.
  • Giant Steps — The John Coltrane classic. With this melody and chord arrangement we explore a bit of Quartal chords in the arrangement.

How-to Workshops

  • Music Basics — Create a solid foundation for future development on your Ukulele journey.
  • Chord Melody — Introduction to Crafting Solo Ukulele Melody and Chord Arrangements
  • Intro, Endings, and Turnarounds — Turning a song into an arrangement to add to your repertoire.
  • Playing by Ear — The Ultimate goal, Playing by Ear. Learn the Common Chord Progressions and How to Remembering Songs
  • Building Left Hand Technique — If you hands can't pull it off, what's the point of knowing so much.
  • Building Right Hand Technique — If you hands can't pull it off, what's the point of knowing so much.
  • The Principles of Music — A bit of music knowledge goes a long, long way.
  • Essential Strums for Ukulele — A Guide to Ukulele Strums
  • Introduction to Scales and Soloing on Ukulele — Take It! You won;t have to blow if off anymore after this workshop.
  • Exploring the Blues for Ukulele — The heart of all American music.
  • Reading Music on the Ukulele - Primer — You know you always wanted to be able to do this. This workshop will give a solid foundation for increasing your ability read music.
  • Ukulele for Guitar Players — Learn just what musician and guitar knowledge you can transfer to the ukulele. Another one of the topics where You Already Know More Than You Think.

Ho`olohe Hou Radio

Ho`olohe Hou Radio — 24 hour-a-day Internet radio station featuring the 100-year history of Hawaiian music and the entertainment industry in Hawai`i.

At the heart of the station is innovation. Bill Wynne didn’t invent radio, and he surely didn’t invent Hawaiian music. But he saw Ho`olohe Hou Radio as an opportunity to put the two together in a manner that has never been attempted before. He calls it Hawaiian Music Edutainment. Instead of spending so much airtime on commercials, a few minutes each hour on Ho`olohe Hou Radio will be dedicated to educational programming which will help the listener understand the historic and cultural importance of the songs and artists they hear on this unique station.

Site Access Plans for LearningUkulele.com

Forever Access - With Forever Premium Access, you get ALL the benefits of a Premium Access Subscription such as Unlimited 24/7 access to ALL lessons, downloads, songs, play-along jam tracks, videos, email access to Curt, resources, related assets, and ALL books by Curt as FREE downloads. Pretty much everything on the site, and NEVER worry about a subscription or surprise payment again. And jump the queue for responding to any questions.

If you're anything like me (Curt) and getting Subscription overloaded with everything and everybody on-line wanting money from you once a month — I'm with you. For like-minded individuals, this forever plan is a pay once, and you're done.

The price for Unlimited Forever access is right around the cost of a few months of private lessons. I can guarantee there is more than enough material on-line to keep you busy for a long, long time. And, you get all of my books for FREE . That alone is more than the cost of this plan.

Premium Access — This premium gives you Unlimited 24/7 access to ALL lessons, downloads, songs, play-along jam tracks, videos, email access to Curt, resources and related assets. As well as ALL books by Curt Sheller as FREE downloads.

Basic Access — A limited selection of basic lessons — ( currently over 140 ) and 100+ songs for ukulele as well as basic general music reference material — FREE

Simply Register/Signup. HOWEVER – I've been doing ukulele and LearningUkulele.com since 2003 and probably have given too much away already - as reflected in my income from the site in relationship to the time spent on the site. So help support this site and its continued development by signing up for one of the below Premium Access Plans or buy a few of my books. - Thanks, Curt

NOTE: Each higher access level includes ALL the benefits of the lower levels. Private Lessons include all the benefits of a Premium Access Plans as long as you remain a student on the schedule.

Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books!Peter Rhee

Aloha, Curt, All I can say is WOW! What you have accomplished is simply incredible! All the bestGlen Hirabayashi, The Aloha Boys

Folks, if you haven't stopped by Curt's site, do so right now! ..And get his books, they are fantastic. This guy knows his stuff and is able to pass it along too.Alan Johnson Proprietor, The 4th Peg

I can highly recommend Curt's Uke books — I have four of them and they are excellent.fatveg — Portland

Want to drop LearningUkulele.com & Learning Ukulele with Curt a nice comment . We always like to know how we are and you are doing. We'll post any comment, quotes throughout the site and you can help spread the word .

Thanks for visiting and checking out the site!

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Original Curtie Animation from 1987, for my first web site on a Macintosh II, 38 years ago. Man, does time fly.

“Built for myself (Curt), and sharing with the `Ukulele community!”

LearningUkulele.com has one of the largest collections of lessons, songs, and TABS, Luthiers, ukulele builders, ukulele festival and club information, and, ukulele links on the web. Curt has been on the ®Internet since the early 1990's and This site just never stops growing!!!

Content is added and updated daily — so check back often. I really do need to get out more ;-)

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