How Does the Site Access Plans Work?
For billing and subscriptions services we use stripe — a secure credit card processing service. uses Stripe for payment, analytics, and other business services. Stripe collects identifying information about the devices that connect to its services. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection. You can learn more about Stripe and read its privacy policy at

When you sign up with a Site Access plan, you will be billed in advance on a recurring and periodic basis until you decide to cancel it. Billing cycles are set either on a monthly or annual basis, depending on the type of subscription plan you select when purchasing a Subscription. A Forever membership is a pay once and never pay again for lifetime access.
Payment IS for a FULL time-period of a subscription; you cannot pay for partial subscription periods. You can cancel anytime during your current billing cycle, and your access will revert to the FREE / bronze access at the end of your current billing cycle.
There is a FREE Trial period before you are charged. This should be more then enough time to figure out if & Learning Ukulele with Curt is a good fit for your learning style.
Site & Member FAQ?
Frequently asked questions
Do I need a Stripe Account?
You do need a stripe account for reoccurring membership/subscriptions. They are strictly a secure credit card processing company.
We use Stripe for payment, analytics, and other business services. Stripe collects identifying information about the devices that connect to its services. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection. You can learn more about Stripe and read its privacy policy at
About stripe
Stripe is the best way to accept payments on-line and in mobile apps. They handle billions of dollars every year for forward-thinking businesses around the world, currently powers businesses in 25 countries.
Are All Memberships Levels the Same?
Each membership level has a different level of site access. With the Premium – Gold Site Membership and the Forever Plan, you have FULL access to all premium content which includes video, premium play-along jam tracks, all lesson downloads and all books by Curt Sheller, and more.
The only difference between membership plans is the discount applied to selecting a longer renewal period.
Is There a FREE Membership?
There is a FREE membership option. This is what I'm calling a Bronze membership plan. All you need to do for this plan is to register and verify your email address.
For access to ALL premium content such as the Premium Play-along Tracks, ALL Curt's Books, you need a Gold Membership plan. A Gold membership goes a long way in helping me justify the tremendous amount of time, effort, and resources I spend on the site, developing new lesson content, and actually paying for all the servers, and computer stuff that goes into it. This is what I do if not teaching, performing, or sleeping.
2021 and Beyond Update: I'm moving more and more of the FREE lesson content into the Premium category. There is just far too much effort, time, and cost that goes into maintaining the site to justify ALL the FREE content. As much as I'd like to give it all away for FREE – one does have to eat and pay the bills.
Upgrading Your Membership?
You can upgrade your site membership at any time by visiting your User Dashboard ⇒, a.k.a, your Member Assets and Account Page, accessible after logging in. Simply click on the plan you would like to upgrade to. At the end of your current plan period, your new plan and payment will start. OR, simply contact US, and we can help to walk you thought the process.
How DO I Cancel My Membership?
You can cancel a membership subscription at anytime or never. However, your membership will continue to auto-renew until canceled. You don't have to call or email me. All payments are for a full recurring period of membership, and there are no refunds for partial subscriptions. Cancel at any time, at least 5-business days before the beginning of your next renewal cycle. If you wait or forget to cancel before the next subscription period, you are automatically charged. Your Account Profile page ⇒ is where you can manage your membership options.
What Happens to My Resources and Assets?
When you cancel your subscription, you are simply reverted to the FREE Bronze site membership. You can still access all your resources that apply to your current membership level.
What If I forget to Cancel My Membership?
It's your responsibility for the recurring charges until you decide to cancel, regardless of how much or little you use or access the website.
I recommend you place a reminder on your computer's calendar to remind yourself.
However, you can cancel anytime, and your membership runs until the end of your current payment cycle and your membership remains in effect until the end of the actual membership period.
FREE vs. Paid Memberships? What the Difference?
That is a good question.
FREE Lessons
FREE lessons are material that is readily available from a variety of sources and what I consider basic information and in the public-domain. It is information that I've put my personal spin on and have refined over the years of teaching.
PAID Memberships
Paid memberships give you access to, ALL of Curt's books, custom one of a kind Premium Play-along Jam Tracks, Curt's custom solo chord melody arrangements, as well as hundreds of additional lessons, downloads, etc…
Why So Many Lessons?
That's another good question.
A lot of the lessons are very specific lessons and focus on one very specific part of a larger topic.
Take learning the ukulele fingerboard. There is a lesson on learning only the open strings, fret five and fret 7.
There is a lesson on only the C major chord that all players learn as their first chord. A lesson on the primary chords C, F, and G in the key of C major, the primary chords G, C, and D in the key of G. I think I did all 15 keys. Then the secondary chords for the common keys for various styles of music.
The individual progressions of my Blues Progression for Ukulele A to Z book are presented as separate lessons. This allows me to select an appropriate lesson for students when addressing a specific task or customizing a particular lesson for them.
As you see, it can build up pretty fast. Plus, I've been doing this on-line since the mid-1990s.
What Is A Forever Membership?
If you, like me, are not a big fan of subscriptions. A Forever Membership is a pay once and never pay again Premium Plan – once and done. It's not a great business tactic as far as cash flow, but great for members.
If you are in it for the long haul and like to take advantage of getting all Curt's future lessons, books, songs, etc… You can save a lot with this plan.
Private lessons with Curt are $60 an hour. So, a Forever Membership is about the cost of a few private lessons with a top teacher.
Why so Afforable?
I wanted to keep the price affordable for everyone.
With private lessons running from $20 (USD) to $100 (USD) for a half-hour to one hour. I honestly wanted to get this information and pass on what I know at a price people can afford. I'd give it away for free is I could afford it.
There is more than enough available for FREE to view that you can judge if a Premium Membership is right for you.
How Long Will I Have Access?
Forever – if you're a Forever Member, and, for as long as you maintain your subscription if you are a Premium/Gold Level member.
Private Students retain access to your lessons notes as long as you're a student – or a Forever or Gold member. All Private Lesson Notes can be downloaded (feature in the works).
For lessons that contain a downloadable PDF, you can download the PDF, print out the pages, etc. You can have access, truly – Forever.
Changing Your Password and Email?
Changing Your Password
To change your Password, simply logout and then at the Sign in to your, click on the Forgot Your Password? link and a link will be emailed to you to reset your password.
Changing Your Email
Your email address is used as your sign-in name. This can be changed by clicking on the Change Your Email ⇒ link. You'll be required to re-verify your new email.
How Long Has Learning Ukulele with Curt Been Around?, on the web since 2003, is celebrating 20+ years of being hooked on the Ukulele. Curt has been on the web in one form or another with,, and various other sites since 1992.
Introduced to computers in 1987 and getting them to do what you want them to do (HyperCard), starting on an Apple Macintosh II and Aldus PageMaker way back in 1987 (actually started racewalking 1987 as well).
Do You Offer Any Discounts or Promotions?
I rare cases, does offer discounts or promotions from time to time - but that does not pay the bills. I fact for 2024 the $199 rate for a Forever Membership is going up the $399 for 2025 and beyond the refect the true value of all the material on the site.