Learning Ukulele with Curt


My Main Ukuleles

I have two Ko'olau CS (Contemporary Series) Model Tenor Ukuleles, amazing instruments with a cedar top and rosewood sides and backs. One delivered November 2009 and one from February 2017. These are my main performance ukuleles for everything — both with a low G costume tenor set of strings. Basically a number one and a backup being groomed, in-training and backup for live broken string scenarios.

For details and the nitty-gritty regarding the strings I use, checkout this Ask Curt page for my response to: What Ukulele Strings Do You Use?

The Rest of the `Ukulele Gang

  • Pono Pro Classic Thinline solid-body tenor and baritone ukulele. Pretty much any Pono
  • Magic Fluke Koa Tenor . • ( high-G, C Tuning ) • Great uke to travel with and my "Always on My Desk, Uke!". For strings I use Ko'olau Golds (still have a few sets).
  • And a few Soprano and Concert ukes I use lyying around for lessons.

A Few Past Favorites and any I might have that are currently for sale.

  • Lanakai All Koa Tenor - This is made in the USA ( Hawai`i ) ukulele. • ( high-G, C Tuning ) SOLD
  • Martin IZ Mahogany Tenor. • ( high-G, C Tuning ) - SOLD • This was and is a remarkable instrument. Probably have to get another one at some time - shouldn't have let it go. Or the 2K tenor that I also had and let go. Keep trying to get Martin to let us, Funky Frets, be a Martin ukulele only dealer. 2024 Update: Funky Frets IS a Martin dealer.

  • Mya-Moe Classic Tenor. • ( low-G, C Tuning ) - SOLD ( $2700 )

My Ko'olau CS Tenor

My First Tenor Ukulele — 2003 • After a failed attempt with a cheap Soprano ukulele in the early 1980s, I gave up. Then come 2003 and the uke bug struck when I re-discovered the Ukulele again.

NOTE: Pretty much have stuck with Ko'olau and Pono ukuleles for since getting to the ukulele (2003).


Still do a bit, a very little bit of guitar, mainly in private lessons and for my, occasional entertainment. Also, doing the lead-in music for an on-line show: Rock Stars of R&D , hosted by the amazing John Conway (2020).


Here are the strings that I typically use on my guitars and ukuleles.

Checkout this detailed listing of the set of strings that I've put together and use for my Ko'olau CS Tenor user.


Both the Ko'olau and and Pono ukuleles have a radius fingerboard which does make a big difference in ease of playing. The Ko'olau and Pono are all strung with a low G. For high G, C tuning I grab an American made all Koa Magic Fluke. Other than Pono, I've only found the Godin Multiuke to have a radius fingerboard in a mass-produced ukulele.

And with our Funky Frets music store – that is, naturally, heavy into ukuleles and a load of ukuleles in stock at all times. I'm in a position to play pretty much what I want — but it's the Ko'olau CS Tenor that gets the most action. That and a Pono solid-body are the only performance ukuleles I perform with in concert.


For amplifiers, I use an AER Compact 60 as my main amp for any acoustic instruments (guitar and ukulele) and it works great with the Tele and bass. Backups or if I need a PA include Fishman PA or one of the Fishman Loudbox series of amplifiers. Typically, no effects and for a DI I only use Fire-Eye , L.R. Baggs , Radial Engineering or Fishman .

AER Compact 60

The AER Compact 60 rev.4. Small size but powerful twin-channel acoustic guitar amplifier designed to reproduce the sound quality of your instrument in a natural manner. The electronics are carefully designed to deal with piezoceramic pick-up's, microphones and any sort of line signal and with the dynamic controlled 60 watts power amplifier provide a brilliant clear sustaining sound performance throughout all the dynamic range. Used by Robin Nolan, Angelo Debarre, Bireli Lagrene, Romane, Neil Anderson, Dorado Schmitt, The Rosenberg Trio, among many others. Includes padded gigbag w/shoulderstrap. The new 4th generation editions of all models now feature a Pre FX / Post FX swtich for the DI Out signal, allowing user to choose if their Direct Out signal incorporates the amp's on-board digital effects An 3.5mm Aux input with Level control has also been added. These ultra-portable amps still offer the same outstanding reproduction of acoustic instruments and vocals that have made them an industry standard and a favorite of performing guitarists and singer-songwriters everywhere.

I really like to keep the gear simple. No endorsements or artist models for me. I like to make my choices and not be locked in to or be put in a position to recommend a specific a brand of gear, other than Ko'olau and Pono. The same gear as I have will never make you sound like me, and I'll never sound like me by using your gear.


Since 1972 I've played numerous Hohner Blues Harmonicas. And, lately it has been Lee Oscar and now a Seydel 1847 Classic. The Seydel harmonics are one of the finest harmonicas being made. Seydel has been making harmonicas since 1847.

The 1847 is the result of Seydel's more than 175-year of experience in manufacturing high-quality harmonicas. The first serial-produced Richter-diatonic harmonica with stainless steel reeds


Checkout the Ukulele Gear pages for recommendations based on what I use.

I do have a bunch of the LRBaggs Align Series of Acoustic Pedals that I fool around with.

Computer and Software

Pretty much been an Apple / Mac person since 1987 with introduction of the Mac II and the advent of Desktop Publishing (DTP) via Aldus PageMaker and Quark Express. And, now also Linux Pop!_os by System76 on a Thelio with an AMD processor, also by System76

Checkout the Credits Page for more info on the software and computers I use the most.

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If you're anything like me (Curt) and getting Subscription overloaded with everything and everybody on-line wanting money from you once a month — I'm with you. For like-minded individuals, this forever plan is a pay once, and you're done.

The price for Unlimited Forever access is right around the cost of a few months of private lessons. I can guarantee there is more than enough material on-line to keep you busy for a long, long time. And, you get all of my books for FREE . That alone is more than the cost of this plan.

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Simply Register/Signup. HOWEVER – I've been doing ukulele and LearningUkulele.com since 2003 and probably have given too much away already - as reflected in my income from the site in relationship to the time spent on the site. So help support this site and its continued development by signing up for one of the below Premium Access Plans or buy a few of my books. - Thanks, Curt

NOTE: Each higher access level includes ALL the benefits of the lower levels. Private Lessons include all the benefits of a Premium Access Plans as long as you remain a student on the schedule.

Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books!Peter Rhee

Aloha, Curt, All I can say is WOW! What you have accomplished is simply incredible! All the bestGlen Hirabayashi, The Aloha Boys

Folks, if you haven't stopped by Curt's site, do so right now! ..And get his books, they are fantastic. This guy knows his stuff and is able to pass it along too.Alan Johnson Proprietor, The 4th Peg

I can highly recommend Curt's Uke books — I have four of them and they are excellent.fatveg — Portland

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Original Curtie Animation from 1987, for my first web site on a Macintosh II, 38 years ago. Man, does time fly.

“Built for myself (Curt), and sharing with the `Ukulele community!”

LearningUkulele.com has one of the largest collections of lessons, songs, and TABS, Luthiers, ukulele builders, ukulele festival and club information, and, ukulele links on the web. Curt has been on the ®Internet since the early 1990's and This site just never stops growing!!!

Content is added and updated daily — so check back often. I really do need to get out more ;-)

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