Audio Cables Guitar Instrument Manufacture

Evidence Audio

PO Box 73241 San Clemente, CA ;92673 USA
Phone: 949 306 7390 Fax: 909 752 7258
Listing Info
from the Evidence Audio web site
Evidence Audio™ was founded in 1997 to offer the finest Musical Instrument and studio cables available. Our technology is based on 20 years of research in preserving the quality of sound as it passes through electronics.
Cables are an area in the production and reproduction realm that can deliver serious improvement (or degradation) for the least amount of money. A void was recognized in the music industry for cable products based on merit rather than marketing hype. Hence the formation of Evidence Audio to bring performance-based cables at reasonable prices to those of us “laying it down.”
"This is the first cable I’ve tried that does what it claims to do. The difference in sound quality is remarkable.” Jimmy Bruno
More information available on the Evidence Audio's web site.
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