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Chord Shapes and Learning `Ukulele Chords
Pick up any chord dictionary, and one thought that should go through your mind is - TOO MANY CHORDS There is now way to memorize all those shapes. It would be better off learning how they came up with all those shapes. Most chord dictionaries are also just like pages transposed to all possible keys.

Altered Seventh Chords on `Ukulele
Beyond basic open position chords, basic movable form chords, and a core set of 4-part chords. There are just too many chords shapes too memorize. Learning the principles of how chords are constructed and the ukulele fingerboard are the way to go. You can then create more advanced chords like 9#11, 7#5-9, 13b5, 7+9 on the fly as needed from your core set of chords.

Basic `Ukulele Chord Fingering
The art and science of chord fingering. Learning your basic open position chords in common keys. We have four fingers and there're all not equal. Some shorter then others and some stronger that others. Everybody's hand is a little different. This does play a role in fingering chords.

Movable `Ukulele Chords
A series of weekly ukulele lessons originally presented throughout 2007 on movable ukulele chords as the "Ukulele Chord of The Week Series". Based on the Ukulele Chords book by Curt Sheller (me). It takes the open position chords and shows the movable form and the variations.

Upper Partial Chord Tones
Upper Partials or extensions for chords are the 9th, 11th, and 13ths of a chord. The 9, 11 and 13 can be altered chord tones depending on the type: e.g: b9, #9, #11, b13. These numbers, the 9, 11 and 13 refer to the scale tone/chord tone relative to the major scale used for building all chords.

Core Chords - The Big Six - Building a Solid Chord Foundation
The Big Six Core Chords is a series of lessons for building your core, essential 4-part chords. These chords commonly called jazz chords, are really just 4-part chords used in a wide range of musical styles. These chords include: Seventh , Major Seventh, Minor Seventh, Half Diminished Seventh or Minor Seven Flat Five, Diminished Seventh, and Augmented Seventh. These six chords form a core set of chords.

Types of `Ukulele Chords
Naturally, for Ukuleles, all chords need to be voiced using only the four strings available. You would think that this is limiting, when in actuality it's quite liberating when you learn the makeup of chords. Chords can be categorized into four categories: “Open Position Chords”, “Movable Form Chords”, “4-part - a.k.a. Jazz Chords”, and “Free Form Chords.”

Learning Core Seventh Chords on `Ukulele
Beyond basic open position chords, basic movable form chords and a core set of 4-part chords. There are just too many chords shapes too memorize. Learning the principles of how chords are constructed and the ukulele fingerboard are the way to go. Then you can create more advanced chords like 9#11, 7#5-9, 13b5, 7+9 on the fly as needed.

Using Triads on `Ukulele
In music or music theory, a triad is a three-note chord (or, more generally, any set of three notes, pitches, or tones). Triads can be used harmonically, as chords and melodically, as single notes. These lessons explore both. Using triads as chords like any other chord and using triads as a basis for creating melodies and improvising.

Exploring Jazz ``Ukulele
Wikipedia defines "Jazz" as a musical art form which originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions. The style's West African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation, and the swung note.

Transposing Individual `Ukulele Chords
"Transposition" is the process of moving a note, chord, scale or any musical passage from one key to another key. All music can be transposed, from a single note to a complex musical score. This lesson deals with transposing chords on ukulele and transposing chords.

Hearing the Changes
"Hearing The Changes" is knowing what the chords of a song or chord progression are and when they change. This lesson gets you on the road to developing this ability. This involves know the chords of the keys and scales that are used for common progressions and songs. And the ability to recognize the sound of intervals, the distance between intervals.

What is the Blues?
The Blues are at the heart of all American music. It has influenced Country, Rock, Folk, Jazz, Bluegrass and just about every form of American music we listen to today. The Blues - a chord progression, a scale, a feeling. This lesson presents an introduction to the blues progression and a couple of scale position of the pentatonic scale to get you started improvising.

Basic Open Position Guitar Chords
Sometimes referred to as cowboy or folk chords. These chords are played in the fret one, two, and three are of the guitar neck and include at least one open string. Technically the open position includes the open strings and frets one, two, three and four. These are typically the first chords anyone learning to play the guitar learn.

Harmonic Analysis - Chord Substitution Principles
A "Substitution" is when a chord replaces or is used in addition to an existing chord. Chords can have an active or passive quality to them. Active chords tend to be restless and want to move on to other chords. Passive chords tend to offer a feeling of rest and resolution. This cycle of active and passive chords are what gives chord progressions their feeling of movement.

Basic Open Position `Ukulele Chord Chart for Lefties
A core set of basic ukulele chords that ALL Left Handed Ukulele players should know in the five common keys of C, G, D, A and E. With the possible seventh chords for the same common keys. The chart is organized in common keys and covers basic chords in these keys.

Common Progressions, Major Keys
Every wonder why certain chords seem to popup together time and time again? All harmonic or chord movement in a chord progression is a combination of the active and passive quality of individual chords within the progression or song. Chords provide tension and resolution, the feeling of movement and non-movement in songs and progressions.

Comping the Blues for Guitar, String Family 1234
Using the blues progression will can explore all voicings on string family 1 2 3 4. Using Voice Leading principles we will explore all 4 voicings of a seventh chords. To goal here is to play a different voicing in each measure. By transposing the C7 voicings to F7 (up 5 frets) and G7 (up 2 frets from F7).
Chord a Day, January 11th - D7
Learn a new Ukulele chord every day of the year. The chord for January 11th is D7. This partial D7 is ofter referred to as the Hawaiian D7 chord after its use in the Chord sequence C D7 G7, a common turnaround in Hawaiian music. So much so that it's called the Hawaiian Turnaround.
Chord a Day, March 3rd - F7
Learn a new Ukulele chord every day of the year. The chord for March 3rd is F7. We are now entering into the so-called “Jazz” chord, world of chords. Technically “Jazz” chords are simply 4-part contemporary chords that find the use in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary music.

Chord Switching - Double Stops
Switching chords are all about finger independence and working together. This can be developed using the "double stop" fingering drills presented in this lesson. A "double stop" is a term borrowed from violin technique where you are stopping two strings or two notes - an interval.

Common Chord Progressions for the Key of C Major
Sometimes called the “learning key”, the key of C Major is one of the easiest keys to memorize and begin using. C major (often just C or key of C) is a musical major scale based on C, with pitches C D E F G A B C. Its key signature has no flats or sharps. Its relative minor is A minor A B C D E F G A B.

The Big Six Core Chords - F7, Four Voicings
The Big Six Core Chords, Level I - F7, four voicings. The F7 is a 1 3 5 b7 of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. For F7 the chord tones are: F A C Eb. These ARE the four F7 chord voicings that are used for deriving other chords. If all else fails when trying to remember a particular chord you can go back to your base seventh chords and go through the chord formula for deriving the chord you need.

The Big Six Core Chords - Fmaj7, Four Voicings
The Big Six Core Chords, Level I - Fmaj7, four voicings. Fmaj7 is a 1 3 5 7 of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. These are the four Fmaj7 chord voicings that will be used for deriving other major seventh derived chords. There are far too many chord shapes to memorize thousands of shapes.

The Big Six Core Chords - Fdim7, Four Voicings
The Big Six Core Chords, Level I - Fdim7, four voicings. Fdim7 is a 1 b3 b5 bb7 of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. These are the four Fdim7 chord voicings that will be used for deriving other chords. There are far too many chord shapes to memorize thousands of shapes.

Common Chord Progressions for the Key of Cb
Using the primary and secondary chords for the key explore these common chord progressions for the key of Cb. The key of Cb is a pretty rare key but actually an easy key to relate to the key of C. The key of C has ALL natural notes and the key of Cb has all flat notes for the scale: Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab Bb Cb`. The names of the notes are the easy part, the chords are typically played as movable form chords with only the Fb ( the enharmonic equivalent name is E ) available as an open string in the C tuning.

Basic Blues Progressions in C Major
Basic and Quick Change blues chord progressions in the key of C major using the core 7th chords from the Big Six series of lessons. This is a great way to explore this core chord in various keys. These are the two most common blues progressions used in traditional and contemporary music.

Basic Blues Progressions in G Major
Basic and Quick Change blues chord progressions in the key of G major using the core 7th chords from the Big Six series of lessons. This is great way to explore this core chord in various keys. These are the two most common blues progressions used in traditional and contemporary music.

Exploring Major Triads on `Ukulele Using a I IV I V Progression - Key of G
Exploring major triads using the primary chords of G major. Triads are one of the first chords that really bring to light the need to know the notes of the neck. This lesson shows the three voicings and the solutions for playing a common 1 4 1 5 progression using G, C and D triads on the string 1 2 3 set.

Exploring Major Triads on Ukulele Using a I IV I V Progression - C Major
Building major triads using the primary chords of C major. Triads are one of the first chords that really bring to light the need to know the notes of the neck. This lesson shows the three voicings and the solutions for playing a common "1 4 1 5" progression using C, F and G triads on the string 1 2 3 set.

The Big Six Core Chords - F6, Four Voicings
The Big Six Core Chords: "F6". This is the Level II of your core 4-part "Jazz" chords. The F6 is a 1 3 5 6 of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. A major 6th chord can be derived either from a seventh or major seventh chord. From a seventh chord lower the flat seventh one fret. From a major seventh chord lower the natural seventh two frets.

Learning Ukulele - Recipe for Success Workshop
"Where Do I Start?" This is a common question. This workshop/lesson covers ukulele tunings, learning the ukulele fingerboard, basic chords and strums. This workshop gets you rolling on having some fun playing the ukulele. This is the workshop-lesson handout that given to ukulele players attending the "Learning Ukulele - A Recipe for Success" beginner workshop.

The Big Six Core Chords - FmL7, Four Voicings
The Big Six Core Chords - Level II: "FmL7" is created from the "1 b3 5 7" of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. For "FmL7" the chord tones are: F Ab C E. The L is a contemporary chord designation and refers to a large seventh, a major seventh.

The Big Six Core Chords - Fm6, Four Vocings
The Big Six Core Chords: "Fm6". This is the Level II of your core 4-part "Jazz" chords. The Fm6 is a 1 b3 5 6 of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. A minor 6th chord can be derived either from a minor seventh or major sixth chord. From a minor seventh chord lower the flat seventh one fret. From a major sixth chord lower the natural third one fret.

Songs Using a Common 1 5 6 4 Chord Progression
There's actually a lot in common between songs when it comes to chord progressions. Here is an every growing list of songs that use the common 1 5 6 4 chord progression. This is a “Full Diatonic” chord progression, with each chord coming from its corresponding major scale. This common progression is called the “Four Chord, Pop Progression.”

The Big Six Core Chords - F7, four voicings, Chord Intervals
The Big Six Core Chords - Level I: "F7" is created from the "1 3 5 b7" of the major scale, based on the root of the chord. For "F7" the chord tones are: F A C Eb. This lesson introduces the four "F7" voicings on the string set, strings 1, 2. 3, and 4. The Chords are shown for C Tuning, Low and High G.

Core Ukulele Chords - Triads, Suspended Chords
A triad is a three note chord. In traditional chord theory there are four traditional triad chord types: major, minor, diminished and augmented. And four contemporary triad chord types: sus2, sus4, add2 and add9.
This series of lessons explores contemporary suspended or sus chords using triads cover is earlier lessons of this series.

Core Ukulele Chords - Triads, Add Chords
A triad is a three note chord. In traditional chord theory there are four traditional triad chord types: major, minor, diminished and augmented. And four contemporary triad chord types: sus2, sus4, add2 and add9. This series of lessons explores contemporary add chords using triads covered in earlier lessons of this series.

Remembering Songs
Listening to songs and wanting to play the same songs on ukulele – that's what draws most people to the ukulele. That and it looks like a load of fun and easy to play – which it is. Then you need to actually remember the songs that you're learning, so you can play them again. And, hopefully, not have to read them off a sheet all the time.

Upper Partials and Chord Extensions
A chord extension or upper partial are the chord tones above the octave and not one of the fundamental 4-part chord tones. These are the ninths, elevenths and thirteenths of chords. All chord extensions on ukulele will displace a fundamental chord tone. This is even true for guitar with the ability to add the extension to another string.

Color Tones and Chords
The most important notes or chord tones in a chord are the notes that contribute most to the actual sound or “color” of the chord. For a major or minor triad, the third of the chord performs this function. For other chords, any note that makes it different from other chord types with the same root are the color tones.
This lesson is a more for less type of lesson exploring what notes are actually important in chords. The best place to start with this concept is 4-part chords and the Big Six Core Chords.

Core Ukulele Chords - Level One
The remaining chords for The Big Six, Level I Core Chords. The Big Six chords include: Seventh 7, Major Seventh maj7, Minor Seventh m7, Half Diminished Seventh or Minor Seven Flat Five diminished 7 m7b5, Diminished Seventh o7 and Augmented Seventh +7. These six chords form a core set of chords.

Traditional and Contemporary Triads
A "Triad" is a three note chord. In traditional chord theory there are four traditional triad chord types: major, minor, diminished and augmented. And four contemporary triad chord types: sus2, sus4, add2 and add9. Triads can be used harmonically, as chords and melodically, as single notes. Triads are a great way to get started with creating melodic solos and improvising.

4-part Contemporary Chords, a.k.a. Jazz Chords
Core Chords is a series of lessons for building your 4-part chords. These chords commonly called jazz chords, are really just 4-part chords used in a wide range of musical styles. Beyond basic open position chords, basic movable form chords and a core set of 4-part chords. There are just too many chords shapes too memorize. Learning the principles of how chords are constructed and the ukulele fingerboard are the way to go. Then you can create more advanced chords like 9#11, 7#5-9, 13b5, 7+9 on the fly as needed.

Core Chords - Building a Solid Foundation of Contemporary Chords
"Core Chords" are a concept that I typically apply to 4-part chords and your more contemporary modern chords. This where a solid foundation of a core set of chords really help in learning the massive amount of chords that are required for play contemporary music or jazz on ukulele or guitar. Not such a task on ukulele with on one four string set of strings to build your 4-part chords vs. the theoretically possible 15 sets available for guitar.

Pachalbel's Canon Progression
In the key of C major Pachelbel's Canon is: C G Am Em F C F G. This is a I V VI III IV I IV V in harmonic analysis notation. In Nashville Numbering it's 1 5 6 3 4 1 4 5. It is a full diatonic progression with all the chords coming from it's parent major scale. A bit of a varaition of the Four Chord Pop progression.

Harmonic Analysis Lesson Series
Harmonic Analysis ( HA ) is the process used to determine the harmonic function of chords within a chord progression. A chord progression is defined as a sequence of chords, each chord has a root and has a particular chord type. The relationship of a chord's root to a scale determines its function within that scale's tonality. Once a chord's function is identified, scale selections along with chord and scale substitutions can be made. This process is called Root Movement Analysis ( RMA ). This series of lessons are extracted from my book for use with individual private and on-line students. Each lesson directly corresponds the chapters in my book Harmonic Analysis for Scale Selection and Chord Substitution by Curt Sheller (me).

Exploring Major Triads on `Ukulele Using a I IV I V Progression - Key of D
Exploring major triads using the primary chords of D major. Triads are one of the first chords that really bring to light the need to know the notes of the neck. This lessons shows the three voicings and the solutions for playing a common 1 4 1 5 progression using D, G and A triads on the string 1 2 3 set.

Leciono Uno for TeStInG - CSP
Fred Flintstone is the main character of the animated sitcom The Flintstones, which aired during prime-time on ABC during the original series' run from 1960 to 1966. Fred is the husband of Wilma Flintstone and father of Pebbles Flintstone. His best friend is his next door neighbor, Barney, who has a wife named Betty and an adopted son, named Bamm-Bamm.

Chord Spelling - Triads
This lesson presents the traditional approach for learning the chord tones of chords with a little twist to make it a bit easier. A Chord is three or more notes sounded simultaneously - together or almost together. The minimum number of notes required for a chord are three. These three note chords are called triads. Two notes are usually referred to as an interval or dyad. Each note of a chord is called a chord tone.

Secondary Dominant V of ...
A "Secondary Dominant" chord is defined as any seventh chord built on a scale root that is diatonic to the key that resolves up a perfect fourth or down a perfect fifth to a full diatonic chord. These chords function as a dominant (V) chord to the next chord, serving to temporarily tonicize the following chord.

Your First `Ukulele Chord
Your first ukulele chord is typically an open position "C Major Chord." It's only one finger and ukulele players love to show new players this, the easiest, usable ukulele chord for new players. Especially someone coming from guitar where an open position C major is three fingers and not that easy as the first chord.

Barre Chords
"barre", the old English spelling vs. bar which refers to a measure of music, is used to indicate a placing of a finger across two or more strings. If covering all the strings it's called a full barre and if fewer than all the strings it’s a partial barre. It’s a classical guitar technic used for guitar, ukulele, mandolin and other fretted string instruments regardless of style.

`Ukulele • Piano Comparison
Piano has is so much easier when it comes to learning the names of the notes (the keys) of the keyboard. The standard piano keyboard is color coded. With the white keys being one of the seven letters of the musical alphabet "A B C D E F G" and the black keys either sharp or flat notes depending the direction and / or key, scale, melody or tonality.

First `Ukulele Lesson
This is a scan of a typical first lesson that ALL students new to the ukulele might get in one of my private one-on-one lessons. View the full lesson for my notes and my comments on what doesn't make it on every the sheet. There's a lot that goes on in an individual private lesson and is different from student to student.

Playing by Ear - Chords
Playing chords, chord progressions, and songs by ear is all about getting your ear to recognize the sound of chords and chord progressions and just like melodies, train the fingers and the hand to follow your inner ear and play these chords, chord progressions, and songs on demand.

Maui Hawai'ian Sup'pa Man
This is cool, fun song that is part of a lot of Hawai'ian musicians repertoire and a lot of fun to play. I was always honored to have Gordon Velasco ask me to sit in with him and Debi and this was always on of my favorites to play and jam on. Basically an Andalusian chord progression: Am G F E7.