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LESSONSeries : Basic Ukulele Chords Charts

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Basic Open Position `Ukulele Chord Chart for Lefties
A core set of basic chords that ALL Ukulele players, even lefties - should know in five common keys: C, G, D, A and E. With the common seventh chords in every key.
This chord chart is great for beginners and new members to ukulele clubs.
The downloaded chart is for Lefties. The lessons material and links to lessons here are for Right Handed plays. But, I've found that left-handed players pretty quickly adopt to right handed material and world at large.
You'll play chords more than anything else on the ukulele.
Understandably, this is one of the most popular and top lessons on the site. Chords are what we do the most on ukulele, as you can't know too many chords. But, eventually, there are far too many chord shapes to memorize all the possible chords. You need to learn a bit about how they are constructed and work to get beyond this basic chart.
Master the chords in the downloadable PDF file, and when you venture past the third fret, you'll see that it's not as foreign chord territory as you might have thought.
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Basic Open Position `Ukulele Chord Chart for Lefties…
Here are direct links to the Key Signature lessons for the common keys covered in the chart with a lot more information. Each key is a series of lessons covering the primary and secondary chords of the key with common progressions and more!
Did I mention it's FREE!!!
Several years ago I created a series of lessons called A Chord a Week, where each week I took a basic open position chord, which happens to be one of the chords from this chart and went over the chords you can derive from your basic chords.
Here a lot of the chords that are in the first row of the chart and their seventh chords:
Download the PDF file for the latest, complete, and most up-to-date version. As well as additional information not presented on-line.
End of Lesson - Thanks, Hope You Enjoyed It!
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A Guide to Ukulele Chords for Lefties
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Covering basic ukulele chords that ALL uke players MUST know, movable chord forms, rock uke chords, how to transpose chords, learning the ukulele fingerboard and an introduction to 4-part jazz chords and more... FOR LEFTIES - Tunings: C, G, or D Tunings. Low or high string four variations.
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Checkout the Books for additional Handy, Dandy Reference Charts.
Reference Charts

Key Signatures — Circle of Fourths and Fifths – ANSI A & A4 sizes
A handy reference chart of all 15 major and relative minor key signatures. US Letter 8.5 x 11 sized (ANSI-A), A4
Checkout the Books for additional Handy, Dandy Reference Charts.
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