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Comping the Blues for Guitar, String Family 1234
Using the blues progression will can explore all voicings on string family 1 2 3 4. Using Voice Leading principles we will explore all 4 voicings of a seventh chords. To goal here is to play a different voicing in each measure. By transposing the C7 voicings to F7 (up 5 frets) and G7 (up 2 frets from F7).
C Blues - Basic I IV V
Using the blues progression will can explore all voicings on string family 1 2 3 4.
Using Voice Leading principles we will explore all 4 voicings of a seventh chords. To goal here is to play a different voicing in each measure. By transposing the C7 voicings to F7 (up 5 frets) and G7 (up 2 frets from F7).
Now turn all the 7th chords into Major 7 chords by raising the seventh of the each chord 1 fret.
Now turn all the 7th chords into Major 6 chords by lowering the seventh of the each chord 1 fret.
Now turn all the 7th chords into Minor 7 chords by lowering the third of the each chord 1 fret.
At this point we have what turns out to be a majority of the chords that will show up in progressions in a major key.
By turning the minor 7 chord into a Half-diminished Seventh (m7b5) by lowering the fifth of a minor seventh chord we can cover minor keys.
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