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First `Ukulele Lesson
This is a scan of a typical first lesson that ALL students new to the ukulele might get in one of my private one-on-one lessons. View the full lesson for my notes and my comments on what doesn't make it on every the sheet. There's a lot that goes on in an individual private lesson and is different from student to student.
After asking a new student what their music goals are and what they expect to get out of lessons, we dive right into how the ukulele works, what the role of the mind, hands, and ear is, etc.
The assignments, at least the first three, are based on knowing the ukulele fingerboard and technique. You’ll never be any better than your actual ability to execute with your hands, your inner ear, and your mind.
Let's take a journey with our hypothetical student, the ukulele player in the Uke Groove Trio
and tag along for his first few lessons. His name is Bernard or Barney
and is just starting out has a goal of getting better and developing a more in-depth understanding of how music works and how to apply it to the ukulele.
Learning the Ukulele Fingerboard
This is the first item in EVERY lesson—it's that important and really pays off down the road. It is one of the few things you can practice where you don't actually need the ukulele. It also has one of the biggest returns on investment, or ROI, as they say in the corporate world. You actually memorize the notes on the fingerboard well before you actually get the full benefit of all the effort. It takes a while to memorize the fingerboard, so we start right out of the box with lesson one.
It turns out we are never going to be any better than our technical ability to get the music out. And that all starts with developing both hands. The second and third lesson lesson assignments are totally for developing efficient technique.
Sports have the same requirement. Think baseball — if you can't catch and throw the ball very well, you probably not going to be very good at it.
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First `Ukulele Lesson…
Single Note Picking
The thumb is most efficient when picking DOWN, and the fingers are most efficient when picking UP. Lesson one as well as the first few lessons focus on using the thumb and index finger.

Down Stroke

Up Stroke
Developing Finger Independence and Strength
These second and their third lesson assignment are totally for developing efficient technique.
Chords & Chord Progression
We start off with the famous C
chord. The first a majority of new players learn as their first chord and probably the most common chord. A great one to start with as it only requires one finger. And,
The Principles of Music
The first lesson will also cover the very basic starting point of Music Theory. The seven letters of the music alphabet A B C D E F G , whole steps and half steps , and the Chromatic Scale .
Four or five topics to cover are typically for students to start with. We'll adjust as we go along with Barney. It all depends on Barney putting in the work between the lesson and what he actually wants to cover. It is, after all, his goals and his lesson. Lessons Referenced in a Typical First Lesson
Depending on whether the student has a 30 minute or one hour lesson, more or less can be covered. It actually on the amount of work YOU do at home, between lessons.
- Technique • The physical aspect of playing a musical instrument.
- Proper Fretting Hand Placement • Getting those rebellious digits under your control.
- One Finger-One Note Basic Single String Fingering Drills for `Ukulele
- Whole Steps and Half Steps Explained
- The Chromatic Scale
So Barney
, it's now on you to Get To Work!!!
We'll probably have to keep reminding Barney to get that thumb behind the neck in its support role.
— Curt
Download the PDF file for the latest, complete, and most up-to-date version. As well as additional information not presented on-line.
End of Lesson - Thanks, Hope You Enjoyed It!
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