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Improvising Using Major Triads Plus Flat Seventh
Updated: 24 Dec 2016
Building on the Major Triad Arpeggios - Plus One for Creating Melodic Solos lesson you can add a b7 to a major triad for a 4-part Seventh chord. With chord tones, the notes of a chord playing a predominant role in writing melodies and in improvised melodies. The triad plus one additional note is a great melodic device for creating melodies - either written or improvised.

Improvising Using Major Triads Plus One Note
Updated: 09 Dec 2022
Using Major Triad Arpeggios - Plus One for Creating Melodic Solos. With chord tones, the notes of a chord playing a predominant role in writing melodies and in improvised melodies. The triad plus one additional note is a great melodic device for creating melodies - either written or improvised.