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- Spread the Aloha Spirit of • Turn your fellow ukulele players, musician and friends on to & Learning Ukulele with Curt.
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- Books by Curt • You can purchase a PDF download or Hard Copy of any one of Curt's books. You can actually view every page of any of Curt's books on-line to see if you would like it.
Does anyone find if hard to speak and write in the first person?
- Visit the eStore
- Buy a set of two of my Curt Sheller's Custom Tenor Ukulele String Set

These are just a few of Curt's many ukulele books.
Super small print: Hardware, software, searching, hosting, domain names etc. costs for running are a few hundred dollars (USD) each month to keep all this going. And every little bit helps. Lucky I've learned how to program and support all of this, otherwise it would take a lot more than this one-man show to go on.
Thanks for Your Support!!! Curt