Audio Microphone Recording Wireless

Shure Microphones and Audio Electronics

Shure Incorporated 5800 West Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714-4608 USA Phone: +1(847) 600-2000 Toll Free: (U.S. only) +1(800) 25-SHURE Fax: +1(847) 600-1212
Listing Info
from the Shure Microphones and Audio Electronics web site
Shure Incorporated is an American corporation originally founded by Sidney N. Shure in Chicago, Illinois in 1925 as a supplier of radio parts kits. The company became a consumer and professional audio-electronics manufacturer of microphones, wireless microphone systems, phonograph cartridges, discussion systems, mixers, and digital signal processing. The company also produces listening products, including headphones, high-end earbuds and personal monitor systems.
The Shure SM57 is a common professional low impedance cardioid dynamic microphone in live sound reinforcement and studio recording applications. It is a popular choice among live users due to its sturdy construction. It is often used on instruments that produce high sound pressure levels, such as the snare drum and other percussion, electric guitar amplifier, and even vocals. Introduced in 1967, the SM57 remains one of the best selling microphones in the world today. The SM stands for Studio Microphone.
More information available on the Shure Microphones and Audio Electronics's web site.
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