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LESSONSeries : Solo Ukulele - Creating Melody and Chord Arrangements

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Creating Introductions and Turnarounds for `Ukulele
Introductions are a composed or improvised pieces of music that introduce - sets the stage for - a song or composition. Introductions, or intro for short, are used in all types of music. In this lesson, the focus is on introductions in contemporary pop, rock, blues, country, folk and jazz styles.
Intros can be various lengths but are typically four measures long and mainly harmonic in nature, using chords only. Single notes and intervals can be added for melodic color.
- Derived from an existing section of the song.
- Separately composed and part of the song, (e.g., *Brown Eyed Girl*, *Margritaville*, *Sunshine of Your Life*, *Black Orpheus*)
- Rubato, lacking a defined tempo.
- A vamp or a repeated figure. (e.g., *Wave*, *Moondance*)
Turnarounds are similar to *intros* but half the number of measures, typically two measures in length. Sometimes called _turnbacks_, these musical passages _turn_ you back to a previous section of music just played.
Creating an Intro
To create an intro or a turnaround you need to know overall key of the song and the first chord of the song.
Determining a Song's Starting Key
All chords and chord progressions come from scales and are built from the notes of a scale. The most common scales used for creating chord progressions are the Major and Natural Minor scales.
A song will give some clues to help determine its starting or overall Key of a progression or song.
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