Foss Music Notation OSS
Listing Info
from the MuseScore web site
MuseScore is a scorewriter for Windows, macOS, and Linux, comparable to Finale and Sibelius, supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods. It is released as free and open-source software under the GNU General Public License. MuseScore is accompanied by a freemium mobile score viewer and playback app, and an online score sharing platform. The makers of MuseScore claim that it is the world's most popular notation software.
MuseScore was created as a fork of the MusE sequencer's codebase. At that time, MusE included notation capabilities and in 2002, Werner Schweer, one of the MusE developers, decided to remove notation support from MusE and fork the code into a stand-alone notation program.
The website, created in 2008, and quickly showed a rapidly rising number of MuseScore downloads. By December 2008, the download rate was up to 15,000 per month.
After many, many years of Sibelius, I have converted all my hundreds of scores to using the open-source software MuseScore . It is now my go-to music notation program. - Curt
More information available on the MuseScore's web site.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.

Additional Information for: MuseScore
Musescore is a company devoted to helping aspiring musicians in their journey to master the music they love. Musescore offers free, powerful, and easy-to-use music notation software to create high-quality Sheet music, with audio score playback for results that look and sound beautiful. Musescore has also formed an online community where musicians can share their creations, privately or publicly, through downloads, embeddable widgets, or Musescore's mobile apps, while also bringing additional social features to sheet music. The Musescore software is released under an open source license, and there is an open API for third party developers on
A lot of great resources in the links below.
- Mastering MuseScore Community Learn the world's most popular music notation software from the world's foremost expert! by Marc Sabatella, creator of Mastering MuseScore. Mastering MuseScore: Complete Online Course is the most comprehensive resource of its kind available anywhere.