Kits Luthier Parts Supplier Tools Ukulele


1203 Lycoming Mall Circle Muncy, PA 17756 USA Order Phone Number: 1-800-523-4777 Customer Service Phone Number: 1-570-546-9663
Listing Info
from the Grizzley web site
Since our inception in 1983, Grizzly Industrial®, Inc. has grown into one of the largest machinery companies in the United States. Our products can be found in all sizes of shops from the large industrial production users to the smaller cabinet and machine shops. We have the widest product selection under one brand in the world and we sell direct to the user, cutting out the dealer network, and resulting in lower prices to you. We ship 99% of all orders the same day and with over a million square feet of warehouse space packed with inventory in three strategic locations around the country, your order can get to you within a few days.
Showrooms: 1203 Lycoming Mall Circle, Muncy, PA 17756 1821 Valencia St., Bellingham, WA 98226 Corner of Battlefield & Kansas Expressway in Springfield, Missouri Tools, Wood, Parts, Kits... <a href="" target="_blank">Grizzly Soprano Uke Kit - H3125</a> Pronounced “U-KU-LELE” (“OOO-KU-LELE” by Hawaiians), these tiny “guitars” originated in Hawaii and became very popular on the mainland after the fifties. Our Ukulele kits feature Mahogany parts and make a great instrument. The 4 nylon strings make it easy to play and a wonderful starter “guitar” for that youngster, or adult.
More information available on the Grizzley's web site.
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