Acoustic Banjo Classical Electric Flamenco Guitar Harp Mandolin Oud Strings Ukulele

Savarez S.A.

Capital de 731 500 € - SIRET: 784 124 463 000 59 APE: 363Z
5, Avenue Barthélémy Thimonnier BP 133 - 69643 Caluire and Cuire Cedex - France Tél: (0033/0) 4 37 40 32 00 Fax: (0033/0) 4 37 40 32 10
Listing Info
from the Savarez S.A. web site
Benefiting from the most recent discoveries, the classical guitar strings (three trebles strings made at first of plain gut and basses strings made of copper wound on silk (later on silver plated copper wound on silk)) have evolved into the use of monofilament nylon called plain nylon for the three trebles strings and of silver plated copper wound for the three basses strings.
> These are the strings I've been using exclusively on all my ukuleles for the past 10+ years. - Curt
#####Ukulele Strings Here is a tenor uke string set that I've been using for years:
Savarez Alliance (red card-R)
C Tuning, low or high G
- String 1 - 541R - KF Plain Treble Standard Tension .024, 541R tuned to A (A4) or G (G4)
- String 2 - 541R - KF Plain Treble Standard Tension .027, 542R tuned to E (E4)
- String 3 - Thomastik-Infeld CF27 - 3rd string .027, 0.69mm Chrome Steel Flat tuned to C (C4) a.k.a., Middle C
- String 4 - Thomastik-Infeld CF30 - 4th string .030,0.76mm Chrome Steel Flat tuned to Low G (G3)
These are classical guitar strings.
D'Addario Pro-Arte
This is the string that I used up until late 2018. Now using the Tomastik-Infeld strings above.
C Tuning, low G or D Tuning, low A
- D Light Silverplated Copper Wound .028, J4304 for both the low G and low A bass strings.
More information available on the Savarez S.A.'s web site.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.

Additional Information for: Savarez S.A.

Savarez Alliance KF Concert / Soprano Composite Ukulele Strings
Set / Soprano Ukulele and Concert Ukulele 4-string gCEA - Regular TuningMade of KF ALLIANCE (Carbon, Plain Composite Monofilament)Scale length: 345 - 375 mmString length: approx. 60 cm/ 24A1 0,62 mmE2 0,74 mmC3 0,86 mmG4 0,62 mmMade in France. These Savarez Ukulele strings are made of ALLIANCE KF composite fibers which represents a big advantage,improving the sound of the instrument and enhancing its colored personality. The set 140R is suitable for both Soprano and Concert ukuleles.

Savarez Alliance KF Tenor Composite Ukulele Strings
Set / Tenor Ukulele 4-string gCEA - Regular TuningScale length: 430 mmMade ofKF ALLIANCE (Carbon, Plain Composite Monofilament)String length: approx. 81 cm/ 32A1 0,57 mmE2 0,69 mmC3 0,81 mmG4 0,57 mmMade in France. These Savarez Ukulele strings are made of ALLIANCE KF composite fibers which represents a big advantage,improving the sound of the instrument and enhancing its colored personality. The set 150R is suitable for Tenor ukuleles