Listing Info
from the Aquile Ukulele Festival web site
Founded in the 2nd century B.C. in northern Italy, Vicenza prospered under Venetian rule from the early 15th to the end of the 18th century. The work of Andrea Palladio (1508–80), based on a detailed study of classical Roman architecture, gives the city its unique appearance. Palladio’s urban buildings, as well as his villas, scattered throughout the Veneto region, had a decisive influence on the development of architecture. His work inspired a distinct architectural style known as Palladian, which spread to England and other European countries, and also to North America.
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Caldogno Ukulele Meeting

Physical Address of the Festival: Villa Caldogno via giacomo zanella, 3 Caldogno, Vicenza 36030 Italy Contact e-mail: info@ukulelefest.it
Listing Info
from the Caldogno Ukulele Meeting web site
Festival is in Italy, close to Venice and Verona, in the wonderful location of a original palladian villa, 4 days of workshop, concerts, jamming together, open mic and ukulele exhibition. James Hill will give a 3 days workshop (prebooking required, only 20 appliants), open mic shows (only on prebooking, 10 foreigners and 10 italians) will be inscribed in a fabolous vaudeville and burlesque show, miniworkshops at every time, and exhibition of ukuleles for sale will be hosted from the makers themselves. the owners of kala, ohana, anuenue, leolani, lanikai, risa, eko will attend the show, and kanile’a, kamaka, mainland are still to be confirmed. big raffle with dozens of high quality ukes to giveaway!
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Italian Uke Fest

teatro astra contrà barche vicenza, (VI) 36030 Italy Contact Person: francesca: info@ukulelefest.it
Listing Info
from the Italian Uke Fest web site
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Monopolele Mediterraneaen Ukulele * Monopolelefest

Various locations around the city Monopolele, Italy
Listing Info
from the Monopolele Mediterraneaen Ukulele * Monopolelefest web site
Festival with events around various loaction in Monopolele, Italy.
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Listing Info
from the YouUkulele Festival web site
Information from their 2011 festival. The festival will be held on Friday 23rd and Saturday, September 24th, 2011 at the Center for Ecological Culture (Centro di Cultura Ecologica – Via Fermo Corni, snc, Rome). The festival activities (from the booths, workshops, screenings and performances) will take place in two time periods 5pm to 8pm and 9pm to midnight.
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All festival submissions are verified before posting.
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All festival listings have been verified at their time of listing. I rely on the festival organizers and site visitors to notify LearningUkulele.com of changes and updates. I do check at least once a year.