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Production Ukulele Manufactures
Manufactures building a lot of ukuleles and are available in a wider range of retail outlets than custom builders.
A lot of major guitar manufactures like Fender, Ibanez and Epiphone are getting in to the ukulele business.
The question now is “Who isn’t building ukuleles?”

Custom Builders
Curt's Personal `Ukulele Recommendations
These are many entry level ukuleles great for beginners exploring the ukulele for the first time to seasoned pros wanting the best ukulele possible.
For a higher-end ukulele start and end with Ko’olau. I personally have two Ko'olau CS Contemporary Tenors - Nombro Unu and its backup / in-training. Both are strung with a low G. Checkout My Personal Gear Page for all my current gigging equipment.
For Beginners get a ukulele with geared tuners and strap buttons. If getting a Fluke or Flea from The Magic Fluke Company go with the hardwood fingerboard upgrade, PegHead tuners and the grip strips.
RECOMMENDATION for Builder and Manufactures Listings: You might want to – at a minimum list what country and town you operate out of on your web site. I am totally surprised at the number of people on the web that are selling something that do not list where they are doing business from. At least the COunrty, State, Province, etc.
Ukulele Variations
Ukuleles come in all shapes and sizes and even banjo, bass, electric and resonator styles. You can even make your own out of a Tupperware bowl or tin can.
- Banjo Ukulele — The banjo uke was made popular by British entertainer George Formby - A little 4-string banjo tuned like a ukulele or a ukulele transformed into a banjo.
- Bass Ukulele — Both acoustic and solid body variations are available.
- Resonator Ukulele — These are the ukulele with the little hub cap in the sound hole.
- Electric Ukulele • Any ukulele can be “electrified” with a pickup. This page has builders and manufactures with solid-body ukulele offerings.
Additional Manufactures List
A great resource for past and present ukulele manufactures is the Tiki King's Big Ukulele List . Over 680 brand names listed, with whatever information Tiki King can collect.
Tiki King also has great ukulele shop in 6235 Highway 9, Suite A, Felton, CA. 9501 — naturally called Ukuleles of Felton .
Ukulele Like Instruments
The Cavaquinho (pron. /kɐ.vɐ.'ki.ɲu/ in European Portuguese and /'ki.ɲu/ in Brazilian Portuguese) is a small string instrument of the European guitar family with four wires or gut strings. It is also called machimbo, machim, machete (in the Portuguese Atlantic islands and Brazil), manchete or marchete, braguinha or braguinho, and cavaco. Its standard tuning is D-G-B-D