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Effect Pedals and the Ukulele
Typically effects pedals are not used with the ukulele. However there is no reason they can’t be used.
I would simply experiment with the possibilities and take your clues from the guitar world where there is a lot of information regarding the possibilities and setting up a pedalboard / chain of effects.
For the ukulele there is a line of acoustic specific pedals for guitar from LRBaggs that shows some promise. These are the ones I have used for my ukulele (Curt Sheller,
The part that confused me the most was what order to place the effects. With that in mind here is what I have gathered based on the type of effect.
I've found that EQ is really helpful for dialing in different rooms that you might perform in. And reverb and chorus are just fun to play with. Here are the pedals I have been having fun and fooling around with:

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Effect Pedals and the Ukulele…
Common Effects Pedals Placement
from the Setting Up Your Effect Signal Chain - February 29, 2016, Hugo, Tech Corner. With edits and additions.
- Dynamics (compressors), filters (wah), pitch shifters, and Volume pedals typically go at the beginning of the signal chain.
- Gain based effects such as and overdrive/distortion pedals come next.
- Modulation effects such as chorus, flangers, phasers typically come next in the chain.
- Time based effects such as delays and reverbs work best at the end of the signal chain.
- Volume pedals can go at the beginning or end of your signal chain to provide slightly different functionality in different locations in your chain.
- Tuners should be first in the effect chain as the typically, when on and in tuning made shut off the pedal chain.
Checkout the Strymon site and pages as there is a lot of great information available for figuring this out.
Effects Pedal Manufactures
Check the LearningUkulele: Ukulele Effects Pedals page for listings of the manufactures of effects pedals.
Next step is to create a pedal-board and supply power and not to have to keep changing batteries.
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