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Jingle Bells
"Jingle Bells" is one of the best-known and most commonly sung American songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) and published under the title "The One Horse Open Sleigh" in the autumn of 1857.
Jingle is a Holiday
song — not a Christmas song. So it might be we can play it longer that just the Christmas season.
This is an easy song to do a simple melody and chord version of. Most of the melody is chord tones, the notes of the chord. Take a look at the Melody and Chord Tips – The Art of Playing Melody and Chords lesson for crafting your version.
My version depends on which ukulele I'm using: my Low G – Ko'olau CS Tenor or High G – Magic Fluke Koa Tenor.
Crafting Melody and Chord Arrangements
Creating Melody and Chord Arrangements, in theory are as simple as harmonizing the melody with a chord. Which is playing a chord that has the melody note as the top note of the chord voicing. In practice it is a little more involved, but not much more.
Main Song Download(s)
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A Selection of Books & Reference Charts that are recommended for creating a solid foundation with your chosen instrument and music in general.

Checkout the Books for additional Handy, Dandy Reference Charts.
Reference Charts

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A handy reference chart of all 15 major and relative minor key signatures. US Letter 8.5 x 11 sized (ANSI-A), A4
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