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Embraceable You
Embraceable You is a popular jazz song, with music by George Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin. The song was originally written in 1928 for an unpublished operetta named East Is West. It was eventually published in 1930 and included in the Broadway musical Girl Crazy where it was performed by Ginger Rogers in a song and dance routine choreographed by Fred Astaire. Billie Holiday's 1944 recording was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2005.
Embraceable You — Premium Play-along Track
Premium Play-along Tracks are only available to Premium
members and Active/Private Students.
Here is a Demo of Desafinado to get an idea of the quality of these custom play-along tracks.
Play-along Demo: Desafinado
Desafinado — Premium Play-along Track with Guitar Melody Played
I, (Curt) originally created these tracks to perform over for gigs and this was a demo for booking gigs.
These Premium Play-along Tracks are available to Site Members and are my personal one-of-kind tracks I (Curt) and Chuck Anderson recorded and arranged.