Ukulele Club Listings for Kentucky

Louisville Ukulele Club Clubs
The Louisville Ukulele Club (L.U.C.) is open to ukulele players, aficionados, collectors, and the uke-curious. Meetings are held at the Douglass Community Center, 2nd Floor 6pm-8:30pm every last Weds. of the month. The L.U.C. is open to amateurs, professionals, and all those in between. Bring your ukulele and spread the word!
Additional Club Listings & Resources
The Following Sites Might Have a Club In Your Area Listed:
- Flea Market Music – Players Directory has ukulele clubs listed.
- Uke Hunt – Ukulele Clubs and Groups page.
Checkout a Local Meetup Group
Meetup is the world's largest network of self-organized clubs and community groups. Here is the Ukulele Meetup ( ) and Ukulele Jam ( ) page.