Learning Ukulele with Curt

17 - Ukulele Builders, Luthiers and Manufactures: D


Luthier / Company Associations

DaSilva Ukulele Co.



Listing Info

from the DaSilva Ukulele Co. web site

DaSilva Ukulele Co. in Berkeley, California is the workshop of Michael DaSilva where he makes high-quality , handcrafted ukuleles. You will also find the full-line of RISA Solid and Electric instruments and inexpensive beginner ukes. The shop is also host to house concerts, ukulele lessons and workshops, the occasional jam session and meetings of the Berkeley Ukulele Club. Check the Calendar for events.

DaSilva Ukulele Co. also provides expert instrument repair, ukulele building classes and supplies. Just call or email if you have questions about these items.

More information available on the DaSilva Ukulele Co.'s web site.

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Daisy Rock Guitars



Listing Info

from the Daisy Rock Guitars web site

Daisy Rock Guitars mission is to provide females of all ages with whatever it takes to learn to play guitar or bass.

Combining a lifelong passion for making music with a desire to “level the playing field” for dedicated female guitarists and bassists of all ages, Tish Ciravolo founded Daisy Rock Girl Guitars in 2000. Ciravolo’s dream that “every girl who wants to play guitar is welcomed and inspired to do so” is centered on the love she has for her two daughters, Nicole and Sophia. In a sense, Ciravolo’s daughter Nicole is the true visionary behind Daisy Rock. When Nicole was a year and a half old, she drew a picture of a daisy, and Tish was inspired to draw a neck on it. “I was enjoying her being a child, not like so many other days when it feels like you are just trying to keep up,” Ciravolo said. “She drew a daisy, I turned it into a guitar, and my motherly, protective, musician self decided, in that frozen moment, to create a better experience for her in the music industry. Maybe one day she could walk into a music store and feel like she was welcome to be part of this ‘club,’ this culture, this awesome community of guitarists—regardless of gender. A community that I never felt welcomed into while being a musician in the ‘80s and ‘90s. This was my chance—my duty—to change the culture and provide her and all girls with a better, more inviting experience.”

More information available on the Daisy Rock Guitars's web site.

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Dave's Ukes



Listing Info

from the Dave's Ukes web site

Having a life long love of music and instruments and over 50 yrs of wood working experience I have moved my focus into Ukulele construction. After retiring from the building trades and being involved with the Lansing Area Ukulele Group (LAUGH) I was inspired to begin building ukuleles.

At first I felt an apprenticeship was in order so I started making ukuleles for friends and family, learning as I went. I studied books, the internet and best of all had dialog with other luthiers. I feel I learn from everyone I talk to and every instrument I examine. This learning will never end.

Pleasing to the eye is second only to pleasing to the ear. The foremost aim is to make the best sounding instrument possible and from the beginning the results have been pleasing. Making beautiful looking instruments is also important. A variety of woods are used, from the traditional Mahogany and Koa to uniquely figured Maple, Katalox, Granadillo, Bocote, Teak, Wenge, Cocobolo and Redwood. I am always on the lookout for unique and beautiful woods to match into distinctive patterns.

More information available on the Dave's Ukes's web site.

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Davidson Instruments



Listing Info

from the Davidson Instruments web site

Hello, I’m Phil Davidson, I have been handcrafting fine instruments for over twenty five years, beginning with banjos and diversifying to mandolins and guitars. Difficulties in sourcing quality hardware has led me to produce my own design mandolin and guitar tailpieces, and scalloped and top-tension banjo hoops, made and nickel plated in house. Learning the trade repairing and restoring damaged and well-worn instruments, I discovered very early on that “Quality is never an accident” (John Ruskin). My dedication is to produce instruments of superior quality while maintaining realistic price levels.

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DeCava Archtop Guitars



Listing Info

from the DeCava Archtop Guitars web site

Luthier James R. DeCava was born and raised in Stratford, Connecticut. As a young teenager, he began playing guitar and banjo and soon realized that if something needed repair on his instruments, he had to do it himself as there were few repair people around at that time. He began meeting others with similar interests and came into contact with the well known Liberty Banjo Co. He worked for them for many years making banjos, doing repairs, and cutting-inlaying mother of pearl with intricate designs. Over the years, he has built hundreds of guitars, banjos, mandolins, and one-of-a-kind instruments. He has also become well known for building multi-string instruments.

<img class="top" src="//curtsheller.com/csp/app/assets/images/DeCava-JazzUke.png" alt="DeCava Jazz Uke" width="56" height="140" />The Jazz Uke is a miniature archtop . The construction and materials are the same as on an archtop guitar, with a carved solid spruce top, and the sides, back, and neck of figured maple. The fingerboard is ebony and the inlays are mother of pearl. The back is not carved, but is braced like the back of a traditional uke, in order to allow more volume when using nylon strings.

More information available on the DeCava Archtop Guitars's web site.

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DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles web site

** DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles** have become known as some of the best handmade ukuleles in the world. From the beautiful curly koa they are made of, to the extremely smooth playability, DeVine ukuleles are truly musical works of art.

DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles has called Hawaii home since 1997. We draw a lot of inspiration from our home in the islands. The culture and building materials here in Hawaii are very conducive to instrument building and have been the foundation of DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles.

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Digging Stick Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Digging Stick Ukuleles web site

by Jeff &amp; Margaret Burger in Bemidji, Minnesota, USA

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Dominic 'Dominator' Pieranunzio



Listing Info

from the Dominic 'Dominator' Pieranunzio web site

A little about me: Primarily a self taught guitarist, pursuing the ukulele for approximately six years, I have spent the last couple of years concentrating on the ukulele. Not being able to find tablature for the ukulele in the same quality and format as was (and still is) available for the guitar is the motivation behind this site. Since books containing ukulele tab were not available, I decided I would try to transcribe the songs myself and make them available for others to learn from as well.

Being self-taught, I know very little about music theory. I know enough about the Modes that I can improvise and construct solos, for guitar, without any major issues. I find tablature much more suitable for me than learning to read notes on the musical staff. Therefore, the tabs presented on this site may have errors regarding correct key signatures, time signatures and notes that may be written in the wrong octave etc. I am sorry if this is an inconvenience for those who choose to read the musical staff and prefer not to use the tablature staff when learning a particular song. If I could, I would eliminate the music staff all together but my transcribing software does not currently support that function. This is why I always recommend listening to the original recording, or in some cases my recorded mp3, to get the timing and feel for the song. By doing so and placing your fingers on the fret board as indicated in the TAB you will be well on your way to playing the songs listed on this site. As always, I will do the best I can to answer any questions you may have. So, choose your favorite songs and strum, strum away. Dominator!

More information available on the Dominic 'Dominator' Pieranunzio's web site.

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Donaldson Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Donaldson Ukuleles web site

Luthier Brad Donaldson of Cannon Beach, Oregon. I have been a part time luthier for 28 years. As a Seattle native, my real job was running the ambient air monitoring network for Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. I retired from the agency in 2005, moved to Cannon Beach and have been free to pursue my passion of building instruments since. I started out making ukes at first, but as there was not much interest in them, switched to making mandolins and guitars. I am very glad that the ukulele has become popular again, it was the first instrument I learned to play and is the most fun for me to build.

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Donmo Resonator Guitars



Listing Info

from the Donmo Resonator Guitars web site

Don's first efforts involved the steel from the door of an old Volvo car but I soon realised it was way too heavy. Don would lay awake at night thinking of ways to overcome difficulties and eventually got one guitar made well enough to string it up.

Don made another, better, one and then one for a friend and now, 20 years later, DOn doesn't have time to do very much else. In 2018 Donold my 500th instrument and so far Ihe has made 380 guitars, 65 or so mandolins and more than 80 ukuleles. Because Don uses his own guitars in many different situations – solo, duo, band, amplified, acoustic, for recording, for busking – Don gets a chance to see how they perform in all conditions. (Some customers may be disturbed to hear that their guitar has been road tested at the local markets!)

More information available on the Donmo Resonator Guitars's web site.

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Doug Eaton Lutherie



Listing Info

from the Doug Eaton Lutherie web site

Doug made his first guitar in 1970, when dissatisfaction with various commercial guitars prompted a colleague to suggest he make one. His association with making and repairing instruments has been continuous since then.

Doug also explored the possibility of flute-making when he received an Australia Council Grant in 1975 to spend a week in Melbourne under the direction of Australian recorder maker, the late Fred Morgan. This led to his making baroque and renaissance flutes which he continued until 1985.

More information available on the Doug Eaton Lutherie's web site.

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James Drury Guitars



Listing Info

from the James Drury Guitars web site

James Drury studied at Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery. He has been building & restoring guitars & ukuleles, as well as furniture for over twelve years.

Arched instruments have been my specialty from the start. In regards to the craft, I have found little as challenging nor satisfying as the well sorted archtop.

Repair and restorations remain a substantial part of my business and I enjoy the opportunities that come with them.

By request of a dear friend, client and fellow musician, I began making tenor ukulele' in 2011. Following the first, it has become a bit of an addiction. They keep appearing in my shop, here and there, little pieces set aside, tiny fretboards, side sets too small for standard guitars, etc. They haunt me but more importantly inspire me to make more! It's a constant evolution with myriad paths to follow and explore.

More information available on the James Drury Guitars's web site.

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DS Gill Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the DS Gill Ukuleles web site

DS Gill ukuleles are hand crafted one at a time by David Gill.

David Gill is a retired mechanical engineer turned luthier. He first started building dulcimers, and a couple mandolins, before beginning to build custom ukuleles full time for a nationally known instrument company. After a couple years, he went out on his own to build soprano and concert sized ukuleles. Currently, he predominately builds more concerts than anything else.

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Atelier Maurice DUPONT



Listing Info

from the Atelier Maurice DUPONT web site

Les guitares que vous allez découvrir dans ces pages sont le résultat d’une recherche permanente de la meilleure qualité. Les bois utilisés comme l’épicéa, le cèdre, l’érable, le palissandre, le koa, etc…, font l’objet d’une sélection très rigoureuse et apportent leurs particularités tant esthétiques que sonores.

C’est en restant à l’écoute des musiciens, professionnels ou amateurs que nous avons pu créer une gamme si étendue, correspondant à chaque style de musique, allant du classique à l’électrique en passant par le folk ou le jazz.

<div class="img-center"><img class="tpm bmm" src="//www.curtsheller.com/csp/app/assets/images/uke_images/uke-M.Dupont.png" alt="" width="217" height="95" /></div>

More information available on the Atelier Maurice DUPONT's web site.

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Duke of Uke



Listing Info

from the Duke of Uke web site

Duke of Uke is London&rsquo;s one and only Ukulele and Banjo Emporium. We stock a wide range of new and vintage ukuleles in all shapes and sizes. If you&rsquo;re new to the ukulele and you&rsquo;re not sure what you should be looking for in your first uke, then please give us a call and one of our team will be more than happy to find an instrument that suits your needs.

We also carry a selected range of banjos, guitars, acoustic bass guitars, mandolins, harmonicas and other instruments. Plus a selection of amps, FX, strings and accessories. More than a shop, Duke of Uke is a community hub offering group ukulele courses, private lessons and organizing regular gigs and events both in the shop itself and at other venues.

More information available on the Duke of Uke's web site.

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DJ Morgan Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the DJ Morgan Ukuleles web site

All of DJ Morgan Ukuleles are completely handmade, all wood components are individually crafted by David Morgan, including the kerfed linings. The only finished components Ihe buy are the strings, fret wire and the tuners.

After thirty-five years as a cabinet maker and joiner of which the last sixteen were as a business owner, I decided in 2013 to give it all up and spend the rest of my working life building ukuleles.

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D’Angelico Guitars of America



Listing Info

from the D’Angelico Guitars of America web site

John D’Angelico was born in Little Italy, on Manhattan's Lower East Side. At only 9 years old, he became an apprentice to his grand uncle Signor Ciani, an expert violin and mandolin maker. This apprenticeship would become the basis for construction principles he later incorporated into his world-renowned archtop guitars.

Renewed desire for archtop tone and a major 2011 exhibition featuring John D'Angelico at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art (“Guitar Heroes: Legendary Craftsmen from Italy to New York”) fueled tremendous new interest in D'Angelico guitars. The timing was perfect: The D'Angelico brand had recently been purchased and a support system of new management, state of the art manufacturing, warehousing and distribution infrastructure was built. In the initial months of operation, the D'Angelico team worked under the radar, creating and perfecting a line of authentic reissues that delivered D'Angelico quality for an affordable price. The new models were enthusiastically embraced by a revitalized audience. D'Angelico soon found itself among the most successful "new" brands in the industry.

Over the course of more than 80 years, we’ve moved from a tiny shop in Little Italy to a sprawling showroom in midtown Manhattan, but our promise remains the same: to produce exceptional guitars that uphold the legacy of John D’Angelico. With guitars in the hands of hugely influential artists and available at dealers around the world, D’Angelico guitars are back for good. Our lines, featuring both reissues and new semi-hollow designs of all sizes, are defined by their remarkable quality and tone. Bob Weir, Susan Tedeschi, Brad Whitford and an army of others endorsing our instruments speaks for itself. At D’Angelico, we maintain our legend by guaranteeing the utmost quality instruments made with the utmost passion.

More information available on the D’Angelico Guitars of America's web site.

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Site Access Plans for LearningUkulele.com

Forever Access - With Forever Premium Access, you get ALL the benefits of a Premium Access Subscription such as Unlimited 24/7 access to ALL lessons, downloads, songs, play-along jam tracks, videos, email access to Curt, resources, related assets, and ALL books by Curt as FREE downloads. Pretty much everything on the site, and NEVER worry about a subscription or surprise payment again. And jump the queue for responding to any questions.

If you're anything like me (Curt) and getting Subscription overloaded with everything and everybody on-line wanting money from you once a month — I'm with you. For like-minded individuals, this forever plan is a pay once, and you're done.

The price for Unlimited Forever access is right around the cost of a few months of private lessons. I can guarantee there is more than enough material on-line to keep you busy for a long, long time. And, you get all of my books for FREE . That alone is more than the cost of this plan.

Premium Access — This premium gives you Unlimited 24/7 access to ALL lessons, downloads, songs, play-along jam tracks, videos, email access to Curt, resources and related assets. As well as ALL books by Curt Sheller as FREE downloads.

Basic Access — A limited selection of basic lessons — ( currently over 140 ) and 100+ songs for ukulele as well as basic general music reference material — FREE

Simply Register/Signup. HOWEVER – I've been doing ukulele and LearningUkulele.com since 2003 and probably have given too much away already - as reflected in my income from the site in relationship to the time spent on the site. So help support this site and its continued development by signing up for one of the below Premium Access Plans or buy a few of my books. - Thanks, Curt

NOTE: Each higher access level includes ALL the benefits of the lower levels. Private Lessons include all the benefits of a Premium Access Plans as long as you remain a student on the schedule.

Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books!Peter Rhee

Aloha, Curt, All I can say is WOW! What you have accomplished is simply incredible! All the bestGlen Hirabayashi, The Aloha Boys

Folks, if you haven't stopped by Curt's site, do so right now! ..And get his books, they are fantastic. This guy knows his stuff and is able to pass it along too.Alan Johnson Proprietor, The 4th Peg

I can highly recommend Curt's Uke books — I have four of them and they are excellent.fatveg — Portland

Want to drop LearningUkulele.com & Learning Ukulele with Curt a nice comment . We always like to know how we are and you are doing. We'll post any comment, quotes throughout the site and you can help spread the word .

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curtieAnim.gif rw.vg.gif

Original Curtie Animation from 1987, for my first web site on a Macintosh II, 38 years ago. Man, does time fly.

“Built for myself (Curt), and sharing with the `Ukulele community!”

LearningUkulele.com has one of the largest collections of lessons, songs, and TABS, Luthiers, ukulele builders, ukulele festival and club information, and, ukulele links on the web. Curt has been on the ®Internet since the early 1990's and This site just never stops growing!!!

Content is added and updated daily — so check back often. I really do need to get out more ;-)

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