
Hoshino (USA) Inc. 1726 Winchester Rd. Bensalem, PA, 19020 USA Telephone (215)638-8670 Fax (215)245-8583
Listing Info
from the Ibanez web site
Ibanez pretty much begins almost 30 years ago, when Hoshino opened an office near Philadelphia, PA for more efficiently distributing Ibanez guitars to the United States. Most of those guitars were Ibanez´ famous high quality (but very inexpensive) copies of just about everything–you name it, we probably made a version of it. At that time many American instruments were going through an unfortunate period of increasing prices with decreasing quality, and these copies hit a ready market.
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Island Ukulele of Kauai

PO Box 3 Kapaa, Hawaii 96746 USA (808) 822-5997
Listing Info
from the Island Ukulele of Kauai web site
“Growing up here on Kauai, Hawaii I have 20 years of experience selecting the best wood and custom instrument production. This has given me the opportunity to work with top performers and to perfect the instruments for entertainment and for the serious ukulele collector. I know you’ll enjoy all my uke’s and guitars which will become heirlooms that you can pass down to your kids. Please call us if you have any kine of question.” -- Raymond Rapozo, Island Ukulele
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Iriguchi Ukuleles

Diana & Dave Iriguchi Carmichael, California USA eMail: david_iriguchi@yahoo.com
Listing Info
from the Iriguchi Ukuleles web site
Iriguchi Ukuleles is Diana and me. We are a husband/wife team. I am the luthier and web guy and Diana is my inspiration/muse/accountant. Oh, and Dieter is our shop dog. He’s a German Shepherd. I build our ukuleles in a little workshop here in Carmichael, California, which is just outside Sacramento.
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