Luthier / Company Associations
- Jake Maclay, Hive Ukuleles
- Russ Morin, Big Rusty Ukuleles

Listing Info
from the Mario Maccaferri web site
Mario Maccaferri (1900-1993) and his custom molding company Mastro Plastics Corporation, founded by Maccaferr i in association with his French American Reeds Manufacturing Company, introduced the first Maccaferri plastic guitar, made of Dow Styron (polystyrene) in 1953. Production continued until 1964.
Mario Maccaferri was among the most successful inventors able to create music from plastic. He was a musician, inventor and entrepreneur who developed, produced and marketed a plastic reed to replace cane in wind instruments, and beginning in the 1950s he designed, manufactured and popularized plastic string instruments, such as plastic ukuleles and to a lesser extent guitars such as this.
More information available on the Mario Maccaferri's web site.
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Listing Info
from the S.B. MacDonald Custom Instruments web site
Providing expert services in guitar repair and vintage restoration on brands including: Martin, Taylor, Gibson, Fender, Guild, Collings, Santa Cruz, Gretsch, Larrivee, Dobro, National, Ovation, Tacoma, and many others.
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Magic Fluke Company

292 South Main Street Sheffield, MA 01257 USA tel: 800-459-5558 fax: 413-229-8536
Listing Info
from the Magic Fluke Company web site
The Magic Fluke Co. was started by Dale and Phyllis Webb in 1999 in the basement of our home in New Hartford Connecticut. Dale was inspired and encouraged by Phyllis’s brother Jim Beloff, an accomplished musician and guitarist who discovered the uke a few years earlier.
In the late nineties, Dale had the motivation to jump ship from the corporate world and decided to make an attempt at an affordable, USA-made ukulele. Armed with prototypes made with thermoformed parts from the kitchen oven, and a handful of Jim’s books and CDs, Magic Fluke committed to exhibit at The National Association of Music Merchants annual trade show in LA, January of 1999. The Magic Fluke Company was born and there was no looking back as orders started coming in and we had to tool up and start producing instruments.
The concert Fluke started shipping in June of 1999 with three color options. Over the years, Magic Fluke has added dozens of new colors and designs as well as the tenor scale and various pickup options. In 2003 the smaller bodied soprano Flea was born followed by the Fluke SB and Firefly banjo. A violin was introduced in 2013. To date, we have built and shipped over 55,000 USA-made instruments.
More information available on the Magic Fluke Company's web site.
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Team International Co.,Ltd Suite 706, 7th Fl. Gitic Plaza 339 Huanshi Dong Road, PO Box 510098 Guang Zhou, China Tel: 86-20-8331 7250 86-20-8331 7252 Fax: 86-20-8331 72 63
Listing Info
from the Mahalo web site
We select materials. We carry strict inspection at every procedure of production by our own people. We listen to every quality comment from any of our customers and try our best to make improvements. We are proud to say that Even the Cheapest Ukulele Gets Every Care and Passion Needed for Serious Instruments.
Besides, Mahalo is also widely known for making crazily designed ukuleles that will totally blow your minds. For example, the Smiley Face uke, the Surf ukes and those Rock ukes. Watch out for more new designs in the near future.
More information available on the Mahalo's web site.
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Mainland Ukes

90 Washington ST Nashville, IN 47448-1708 USA Phone: (812) 988-6760 Toll Free: 1-866-949-UKES Fax: (812) 988-6798 Mainling Address: PO Box 1708 Nashville, IN 47448-1708 USA.
Listing Info
from the Mainland Ukes web site
We are a home grown family business dedicated to providing quality performance ukuleles at a great price. Our small company started because we love the ukulele and always enjoy meeting others who feel the same way. If you choose to buy from us, you will be buying from people who play ukulele for fun on a daily basis We take time setting up each uke to make sure you will be satisfied with your purchase.
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Majesty Ukuleles

Yusuke Kawakami #207-8696 Barnard ST Vancouver, B.C V6P 5G5 Canada Tel:(+1) 604-269-2555 Fax:(+1) 604-986-1841
Listing Info
from the Majesty Ukuleles web site
When I was a boy, if I wasn’t playing baseball or hanging out with my friends I was usually in my uncle’s guitar shop. I used to pick up leftover tonewood pieces from garbage bins and make something out of them. My uncle owns a world-renowned guitar building company in Gifu, Japan. My father was the chief guitar builder there until 2002. He built exclusive custom-made guitars for musicians around the world for forty-two years. He often worked on weekends, so I used to accompany him to his workshop. I still remember looking up at all the acoustic guitars - which were taller than myself - and also trying my hand at Japanese saws and hammers.
When I was about seventeen, music became my life and guitars fascinated me. I developed a strong respect for my father as a luthier. When I turned twenty, I accompanied my uncle on his business trip to Los Angeles. I found myself immersed in a world I only knew about through magazines and CDs. The trip had an enormous impact on me. I was electrified by the culture, food, language and everything else and wished someday to live in Noth America.
More information available on the Majesty Ukuleles's web site.
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Mandolins by Jonathan Mann

1002 Bradford Place Joelton, TN 37080 USA
Phone: 615-562-5747 Cell: 615-289-1333 eMail:
Listing Info
from the Mandolins by Jonathan Mann web site
A “small shop” instrument builder and currently building acoustic and electric mandolin family instruments, electric ukuleles and other random custom instruments. A while back a customer emailed me and wanted to talk to me about building an electric steel string Uke…this worked out quite well since the electric mandolins I build are very similar in size, scale to the Ukulele.
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C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.

510 Sycamore Street P. O. Box 329 Nazareth, PA 18064-0329 USA Phone: 610-759-2837 Fax: 610-759-5757
Listing Info
from the C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. web site
Martin's steadfast adherence to high standards of musical excellence, mixed with experienced management, has largely accounted for the company's remarkable longevity. Marketing methods and product mix have changed at Martin over the years, but the company attitude towards guitar building has never varied. In the preface to the 1904 catalog, Frank Henry Martin explained to potential customers, “How to build a guitar to give this tone is not a secret. It takes care and patience. Care in selecting the materials, laying out the proportions, and attending to the details which add to the player's comfort. Patience in giving the necessary time to finish every part. A good guitar cannot be built for the price of a poor one, but who regrets the extra cost for a good guitar?” Almost eighty years have passed since Frank Henry Martin authored this statement of policy, but it still is an accurate expression of Martin's ongoing commitment to quality.
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Listing Info
from the Mason Guitars and Ukulele web site
Kevin Mason began making guitars after having played guitars, lutes, and other stringed instruments professionally for over 20 years.
Since 2002 he has made a variety of instruments including resonator, classical, and jazz guitars and ukuleles, but he focuses on making the kind of guitars he likes to play the most–flat-top acoustic styles suitable for finger-style playing and for flat picking.
Because he was a player first, Kevin is sensitive to the playability and tone of the instruments he makes and does not settle for anything less than the best musical instrument possible.
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Maton Guitars

6 Clarice Rd Box Hill, Victoria 3128 Australia Phone: +61 3 9896 9500 Fax: +61 3 9896 9501
Listing Info
from the Maton Guitars web site
The "Maton" name is a derivative of the words "May" and "Tone". Until the mid 1930s an Australian guitar manufacturing industry was virtually nonexistent. Good quality guitars were hard to find and at this time the best guitars came from the U.S.A. Bill May, a Melbourne-born jazz musician, woodwork teacher and luthier decided to change all that.
During the early 1940s Bill established a custom guitar manufacturing and repair business known as "Maton Stringed Instruments and Repairs". This enterprise was so successful that Bill was able to convince his older brother, Reg, to join him as a full time guitar maker and in March 1946 the "Maton Musical Instruments Company" was born.
Maton is still a 100% family owned Australian company, now operated by Linda & Neville Kitchen (Bill May's daughter and son in law). Showing great faith in the potential of the company, Bill opened up Australia's first major guitar making facility in Canterbury, Melbourne, in 1949. More than 300 different models were created at the Canterbury factory, a staggering testimony to the creativity of the Maton team from that era.
More information available on the Maton Guitars's web site.
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Listing Info
from the Maui Music Ukuleles web site
Maui Music ukuleles are hand crafted from the finest Hawaiian Koa woods. The craftsmanship, and attention to detail, make these instruments look and sound exceptional. Each Maui Music ukulele is personally made by luthier Peter Lieberman, who has been crafting fine ukuleles for over 25 years.
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John Mayes Guitars

3111 NE 96th Ave. Norman, OK, 73026 USA Phone: 405-579-9629
Listing Info
from the John Mayes Guitars web site
John Mayes started his lutherie career in 1996 when he built his first instrument, a walnut/cedar parlor guitar. In 2000 he accepted a position, working under the guidance of luthier Dana Bourgeois at Pantheon Guitars in Lewiston, Maine. While in Maine, John had a hand in building hundreds of guitars, refining his skills along the way. Some time later, John moved back to his home state of Oklahoma to start his own lutherie, Mayes Guitars.
His vast experience over the past 14 years has helped shape him into an well rounded luthier who is well versed in coaxing the most out of an instrument. John has built over 250 instruments bearing his name. John dedicates his full energy into every instrument he builds. We invite you to take a look around this site and contact John to experience a fruition of years of building and a passionate pursuit of perfection.
More information available on the John Mayes Guitars's web site.
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MB Instruments

**Nicolas Baginsky ** Admiralitätstraße 74 20459 Hamburg Germany
Listing Info
from the MB Instruments web site
Killer-Instruments, or for short Ki, is the name for my very special line of steel string ukuleles. These ukuleles are extraordinary in every aspect, their sound is unique, their looks are outstanding and their playability is on a professional level. Plus they really rock.
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Pat Megowan Stringed Instgruments

Again a luthier, builder that most likely lives in the USA and their website does not even have the city they operate out of.
A little digging and it seems to be: Western Oregon.
Listing Info
from the Pat Megowan Stringed Instgruments web site
Again a luthier, builder that most likely lives in the USA and their web site does not even have the city they operate out of. If anyone knows the location of this luthier let me know and the luthier know that at a minimum the city and state a good idea.
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Mele Ukulele

1750 Kaahumanu Avenue Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793 USA Tel. 808.244.3938 Fax. 808.242.6566
Listing Info
from the Mele Ukulele web site
"Mele Ukulele" builds and sells fine ENTIRELY HAND MADE ukuleles and guitars at incredibly low prices. Our ukuleles feature great tone and playability, top quality Hawaiian koa and other fine SOLID tonewoods, and detailed inlay work. For nearly 20 years, Mele Ukulele continues to offer what can be considered among the best value in instruments today
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Moku Ukuleles

D & B Music LLC San Francisco, California USA Phone: 415-681-6081 eMail:
Listing Info
from the Moku Ukuleles web site
The Hawaiian word "Moku" means Island, which was the original inspiration for these beautiful Ukuleles. There is just something so simple and beautiful about the Ukulele - just like the Polynesian Islands they originated from. Play one yourself and bring your self back to the Islands.
Moku Ukuleles are amazing sounding instruments that have the craftsmanship of higher-grade instruments but with an affordable price tag. All Instruments are designed and spec;d here in San Francisco then manufactured with Top Notch Workshops overseas. When you play our Ukuleles you can't put one down, it's quite contagious! The Tone, the higher-grade wood used, the attention to detail, and the overall playability of these fine Ukes is what makes these instruments stand out.
More information available on the Moku Ukuleles's web site.
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Moore Bettah Ukuleles

Chuck Moore P.O. Box 1386 Pahoa, Hawaii 96778 USA Phone: (808) 640-6969
Listing Info
from the Moore Bettah Ukuleles web site
Custom made koa ukuleles built on the Big Island of Hawaii by Chuck Moore
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MP Ukuleles

Mike Pereira P.O. Box 403 Shandon, CA 93461 USA Tel. 805-238-1931
Listing Info
from the MP Ukuleles web site
MP Ukuleles are handcrafted instruments built on the California Central Coast by Mike Pereira.
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Mr.Mai Ukulele

Add:No 11 Industry Park,Panyu,GuangZhou,GuangDong,China Tel:+86 15017569826 Fax:020-39364976 GuangZhou SaFengMusic Co,.Ltd
Listing Info
from the Mr.Mai Ukulele web site
Chinese musical instrument production and trading company.
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MS Ukuleles

Miles Stephens 73-1382 Melemele Street Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 USA Tel. (808) 325-3488
Listing Info
from the MS Ukuleles web site
My journey in ukulele building started with classes from a local Kona luthier, the late, much respected, Andy Berard. The original class was to build only a single ukulele for myself, but I found I enjoyed building them so much I kept going and soon needed to start selling them or buy a bigger house. Over the years I have evolved my own techniques but the emphasis on quality and willingness to experiment is directly descended from Andy’s philosophy of building.
Basically I build every part of the instrument myself except the strings, tuners, fret wire and pegs if I use them. None of my ukuleles are the same, for instance I hand shape the necks with draw knives and spoke shaves until it feels right, if I can free hand it, that’s how I’ll do it. I prefer feel to copying.
More information available on the MS Ukuleles's web site.
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Dott. Alfio Leone Via Palermo, 4 95030 Sant’Agata Li Battiati (CT) Italy VAT number: 00186980876 Fiscal Code: LNELFA28A27C351T Phone: +39 095 211230 Fax: +39 095 212777 E-mail: <a href=""></a>
Listing Info
from the Musikalia web site
Unusual and hard to find stringed musical instruments from all over the world All hand made in Sicily
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Mya-Moe Ukuleles

1121 Cepot Street Glenview, IL 60025 USA
Tel: 847-906-1900
Former Luthiers: (Gordon and Char Myer, Aaron Keim) 18 Forbes Road White Salmon, Washington 98672 USA Phone: 541-490-8522
Listing Info
from the Mya-Moe Ukuleles web site
2018 Update: Cary Kelly, is the new owner & builder of Mya-Moe Ukuleles.
Mya-Moe Ukuleles History
Gordon & Char Mayer and Aaron Keim are the luthiers who build all Mya-Moe Ukuleles. They have combined expertise in design, engineering, music, and lutherie. They both have masters degrees in engineering. Gordon has been building guitars for 7 years. Char is a professional musician. Before building guitars, Gordon was a wood-turning artist, giving him extended knowledge of different woods & their properties.
(2017 Update) - Gordon and Char Mayer are retiring from building June 2018 and ALL build slots are taken. So if you have a Mya-Moe hang on to it.
Char’s artistic bent was expressed in hand-pieced Roman shades. Together, they hand-craft each instrument, a culmination of their combined educations & experiences in engineering, art & music.
- <a href="" target="_blank">Goodbye Industrial Robotics; Hello Rock Stars</a> How one man went from chasing start-up and technology jobs in Silicon Valley to creating a thriving craftsman shop making custom ukuleles for the likes of Eddie Vedder.
More information available on the Mya-Moe Ukuleles's web site.
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Manuel Rodriguez Guitars

Paseo Galatea, 25 45221 Esquivias Toledo, Spain
tel: +34.925.520.954
Listing Info
from the Manuel Rodriguez Guitars web site
We are tradition and modernity, art and experience. We are exotic woods, the smell of sawdust and varnishes. We live with passion the development of our guitars, where generation after generation we have managed to perfect a century-old manufacturing technique.
Our creations are the proof of our strong commitment to Spanish culture. Spirit and essence of the most Spanish music, they are elaborated with all the care and attention of our experienced luthiers, the true protagonists of MR Guitars.
More information available on the Manuel Rodriguez Guitars's web site.
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