Acoustic Classical Custom Guitar Manufacture Strings Ukulele

C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.

510 Sycamore Street P. O. Box 329 Nazareth, PA 18064-0329 USA Phone: 610-759-2837 Fax: 610-759-5757
Listing Info
from the C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. web site
Martin's steadfast adherence to high standards of musical excellence, mixed with experienced management, has largely accounted for the company's remarkable longevity. Marketing methods and product mix have changed at Martin over the years, but the company attitude towards guitar building has never varied. In the preface to the 1904 catalog, Frank Henry Martin explained to potential customers, “How to build a guitar to give this tone is not a secret. It takes care and patience. Care in selecting the materials, laying out the proportions, and attending to the details which add to the player's comfort. Patience in giving the necessary time to finish every part. A good guitar cannot be built for the price of a poor one, but who regrets the extra cost for a good guitar?” Almost eighty years have passed since Frank Henry Martin authored this statement of policy, but it still is an accurate expression of Martin's ongoing commitment to quality.
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