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Guitar `Ukuleles (Guitarele, Guilele)
The guitarele, guilele is a tenor body sized ukulele with additional stow strings, five and size. Tuned A D G C E A. This is the same tuning as the top four strings of C tuning with a low G with an added A and D.. Also the same tuning as a standard tuned guitar an a capo at the fifth fret (A D G C E A).
Guitareles are available from various Manufacture and Builders .
Tuning: A D G C E A
The tuning is notated an octave higher than it sounds. This clef is used for transposing instruments that sound an octave lower, such as the guitar and the guitarele. It is pretty rare that you'll actually see this clef in use, even with guitar.
Personally for the brands that I've played I found the string spacing a bit tight compared to the ukulele. Its string spacing is more like a steel string guitar. Personally I feel it should be more like the classical guitar.
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Selecting a `Ukulele
Updated: 03 Dec 2017
A `Ukulele is: Light Weight, Affordable and Portable | Four Strings and Four Fingers | Less Need for Strumming Accuracy | There is nott a lot expected from a ukulele player. The 'Ukulele (pronounced oo-koo-lele) comes in four standard sizes: Soprano (sometimes called Standard), Concert, Tenor and Baritone.
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