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Concert `Ukulele
The Concert ukulele is sized in between the smaller Soprano ukulele and the tenor ukulele. A concert ukulele typically has 14 to 17 frets.
The tuning for the Concert is most commonly G C E A, or C Tuning. The same as the Soprano and Tenor ukulele.
- 15in(381mm) to 16in(406mm) Scale Length
- 14 to 17 frets
Several manufactures and builders have variations where a tenor scale neck is placed on a concert body for a Super Concert
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Concert `Ukulele…
The tuning for the Concert is most commonly G C E A, or 'C' Tuning. The same as the Soprano and Tenor ukulele.
This tuning is a re-entrant tuning. A reentrant tuning is a tuning the strings are not ordered from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch.
High G, C Tuning
A variation for Concert ukulele is for string four to be a low "G".
Low G, C Tuning
Note: Between the smaller Soprano and Concert is the Super Soprano or long-neck soprano. Basically a concert scale neck on a Soprano body.
Here is a chart of the each note in Standard Music Notation for C Tuning , high or low G.
See the Ukulele Tunings page for additional tunings.
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Selecting a `Ukulele
Updated: 03 Dec 2017
A `Ukulele is: Light Weight, Affordable and Portable | Four Strings and Four Fingers | Less Need for Strumming Accuracy | There is nott a lot expected from a ukulele player. The 'Ukulele (pronounced oo-koo-lele) comes in four standard sizes: Soprano (sometimes called Standard), Concert, Tenor and Baritone.
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