Iwao Yamaguchi Musicians
In Japan, there is a name synonymous with ukulele. That name is simply known as “Iwao.” Iwao had a very successful career as a guitar player, producing many albums with that first instrument. He attended a performance by Ohta-san and a new love for the ukulele grew rapidly in his heart. He now focuses his efforts into his awesome ukulele playing. There is no bigger ukulele star in Japan than Iwao.

Israel “Bruddah Iz” Kamakawiwo’ole Musicians
Israel “Bruddah Iz” Kamakawiwo’ole (May 20, 1959 — June 26, 1997) lived in Hawai’i until his death at the age of 38. He became famous outside Hawai’i when his album Facing Future was released in 1993 with his medley of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “What a Wonderful World’, which has been featured in several films, television programs, and television commercials. <ul class="csp-list"> <li>Brudda Bu’s Ukulele Heaven’s <a href="http://www.geocities.com/~ukulele/iz.html" target="_blank">Bradda Israel Kamakawiwo’ole</a> tribute page</li> <li><a href="http://www.mountainapplecompany.com/izmap/" target="_blank">Mountain Apple Company’s Iz page</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brRsRTTp1Pw" target="_blank"><span class="XBold">You</span><span class="XBoldRed">Tube</span>: Somewhere Over The Rainbow What A Wonderfull World</a> This is the song that Iz is most famous for. Just as John Coltrane took a corny song “My Favorite Things” and firmly placed it in the jazz repertoire Iz’s rendition has done the same for this song. </li> <li>A <span class="XBold">Google</span> posting of the same tribute: <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3090180824233343584&q=iz+tribute" target="_blank">Somewhere Over The Rainbow</a></li> </ul>