The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (UOGB) Musicians
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain is a group of all-singing, all-strumming Ukulele players, who use instruments bought with loose change, and who believe that all genres of music are available for reinterpretation, as long as they are played on the Ukulele. A concert by the Ukulele Orchestra is a Funny, Virtuosic, Twanging, Singing, Awesome, Foot-Stomping Obituary of Rock-n-Roll and Melodious Light Entertainment featuring only the “bonsai guitar” and a menagerie of voices; no drums, no pianos, no backing tracks, and no banjos. A collision of post-punk performance and toe-tapping oldies. See the universe in the grain of a Ukulele. You may never think about music in the same way once you’ve been exposed to the Ukes’ depraved musicology. The Orchestra use the limitations of the instrument to create a musical freedom with Ukuleles (little ones, big ones, high ones, low ones) revealing unsuspected insights into popular music. From Tchaikovsky to Nirvana via Otis Reading the Orchestra takes you on a world tour with only hand luggage and gives the listener “One Plucking Thing after Another”.

Ukebucket Musicians
Stretched between Ohio and now Florida, Ukebucket is a three-person band formed by wide-eyed and innocent musicians. We offer music that we think sounds good, and music that was probably made at 3 in the morning hopped up on energy drinks. A quiet sound, a different sound. We are Ukebucket. Bring on the rock. COMING SOON!!! Rikk, Amber, and Barry are meeting in Melbourne Beach, Florida for two weeks to record some old and new things. It’s gonna be super sweet!

Paul Hemming's Uketet Musicians
With The Paul Hemmings Uketet, the unassuming four-stringed Hawaiian instrument takes its place front and center, alongside bass and drums, in a well-seasoned jazz combo that pushes the boundaries of what has often been considered a mere novelty instrument. Based in New York City.

Ukulele Bartt Warburton Musicians
We have workshops, classes and concerts around Los Angeles. Led by Ukulele Bartt Warburton, we are the ultimate! Go to Bartt.net for free charts, lessons, and tons of stuff. Videos from Ukefests worldwide, and pretty much everything an ukulele player could want. You can also preview Bartt’s instructional DVDs, books, and e-books. Of course you can also listen to Bartt’s music.

Ukulele Jim Mucisians
Don’t let the name fool you—this is no novelty act! Call it Cali folk with an island vibe. With music that combines the soulfulness of James Taylor with the pop sensibilities of Jack Johnson, Ukulele Jim will treat you to an ear pleasing, heart stealing, joyful feeling good time! The combination of Jim’s lilting voice with the sweetness of the ukulele is notable in catchy, emotive songs that bridge the gaps between Pop, Rock, Country and Folk music.