Musician Ukulele

Listing Info
from the Ukulele Jim web site
Don’t let the name fool you—this is no novelty act! Call it Cali folk with an island vibe. With music that combines the soulfulness of James Taylor with the pop sensibilities of Jack Johnson, Ukulele Jim will treat you to an ear pleasing, heart stealing, joyful feeling good time! The combination of Jim’s lilting voice with the sweetness of the ukulele is notable in catchy, emotive songs that bridge the gaps between Pop, Rock, Country and Folk music.
From his home studio in Santa Barbara, California, James “Ukulele Jim” Clark uses the convenience of the Internet to work with talented musicians from all over the world, creating an international ‘virtual group’ free from geographical boundaries. This collaborative freedom allows Jim to switch styles between acoustic solo pieces to songs with a full band sound.
More information available on the Ukulele Jim's web site.
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