Dani Joy aka DaniUkulele Musicians
Ukulele Instructor, artist, musician, professional, all around sweet gal.
Dani Joy aka DaniUkulele, is a California singer/songwriter who croons her melodies and picks the ukulele with a smoky lounge allure. She is a gifted teacher at The Strum Shop and is a member of the River City Ukulele Orchestra, as well as an active ambassador for the Ukes for Schools Program.

Uke Jackson Musicians
Uke Jackson, a playwright and musician, was born Stephen DiLauro. A musical epiphany at the turn of the millennium led to his adopting the new moniker. Previously, his plays were produced in different theaters in downtown Manhattan, including “Monster Time”; “The Secret Warhol Rituals” ; and “Avenue Z Afternoon” which he adapted for a GM Mark of Excellence television production. His first play written as an adult, “Dristi Magic” a one act, was staged by the McCarter Theater Street Theater unit. He also works as an un-credited script doctor on movies.
Victoria Jackson Musicians
Cheerleader..homecoming queen.. attended Florida Bible College; received a gymnastic scholarship to Furman University, attended Auburn University one year, and ended up in Hollywood, CA via summer stock in Alabama, where she met Johnny Crawford (The Rifleman) who promptly put her in his night club act and sent her a one-way ticket to the show-biz capital.