Strummin' Man

St. Andrews Marina Panama City, Florida USA
Contact: strum@standrewsukes.org
Listing Info
from the Strummin' Man web site
The Ukulele Orchestra of St. Andrews is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization supporting performance and music education in Bay County. Orchestra members have provided some equipment and helped teach ukulele at in local schools and have provided several ukulele lesson opportunities including at Bay County Library, Floriopolis, and GCSC Education Encore. Funds are raised with local gigs and festival performances.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.

Listing Info
from the Suncoast Ukulele Fest web site
Suncoast Ukulele Fest in beautiful Nokomis, Florida, just south of Sarasota on the Gulf of Mexico
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.

Listing Info
from the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway web site
The Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway is now a November cruise to Cozumel Mexico on Royal Caribbean.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.

Ukulele Festival South Florida

Esplanada Park Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304 USA
Contact: UkeFUNFla@gmail.com
- www.floridaukulelenetwork.org
- www.meetup.com/Flori...
- www.twitter.com/ukefunfla
- www.facebook.com/gro...
- www.artserve.org
- goo.gl/maps/9ZK8D
Listing Info
from the Ukulele Festival South Florida web site
Features local, national and international ukulele artists and teachers to celebrate all things ukulele. Presented by F.U.N. Florida Ukulele Network, a group of 500+ ukulele players in South Florida with additional groups all around Florida. Come and strum with us!
Features local, national and international ukulele artists and teachers to celebrate all things ukulele. Presented by F.U.N. Florida Ukulele Network, a group of 500+ ukulele players in South Florida with additional groups all around Florida. Come and strum with us!
More information available on the Ukulele Festival South Florida's web site.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.
All festival submissions are verified before posting.
Be sure to check your listing for the most current information, dates, etc...
All festival listings have been verified at their time of listing. I rely on the festival organizers and site visitors to notify LearningUkulele.com of changes and updates. I do check at least once a year.