Port Townsend Ukulele Festival and Workshop

Fort Worden State Park Port Townsend, Washington USA
Listing Info
from the Port Townsend Ukulele Festival and Workshop web site
The Port Townsend Ukulele Festival and Workshop is held at Fort Worden State Park, a venue unparalleled in beauty and facility. Expect four nights and three days of intense fun, ukulele instruction, and merry music making with some of the finest ukulele instructors and players working today.
In an effort to accommodate participant demand, Centrum will offer two Port Townsend Ukulele Festivals in 2015. In order to serve as many people as possible, participants will only be able to attend one of the sessions. Each session will have a different faculty slate, so please choose carefully. On March 1, 2015, in the event that there is space available, participants will be able to register for both sessions.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.
All festival submissions are verified before posting.
Be sure to check your listing for the most current information, dates, etc...
All festival listings have been verified at their time of listing. I rely on the festival organizers and site visitors to notify LearningUkulele.com of changes and updates. I do check at least once a year.