Learning Ukulele with Curt

USA Festivals: Hawaii

Annual Ukulele Picnic in Hawaii



Listing Info

from the Annual Ukulele Picnic in Hawaii web site

Ukulele Picnic in Hawaii was founded by the renowned Japanese musician & Ukulele music scene pioneer in Japan, Kazuyuki Sekiguchi from the band Southern All Stars. From the inaugural picnic in 2009, it has attracted more than 5000 people, and has become a fun music event for whole family.

Admission to the picnic is free. Along with the non stop main stage entertainment, exhibitors will show ukulele related exhibits and merchandise and food vendors will be selling ono food and drink. Parking is available and a free shuttle service will be provided from Waikiki.

More information available on the Annual Ukulele Picnic in Hawaii's web site.

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Great Waikoloa Ukulele Festival



Listing Info

from the Great Waikoloa Ukulele Festival web site

The Waikoloa Beach Resort is home to the Great Waikoloa Ukulele Festival held annually in March. This event is a celebration of Hawaii's favorite instrument and music.

Waikoloa Beach Resort is the Gathering Place of the Kohala Coast, and what brings people together better than music? Since 2001, the Great Waikoloa Ukulele Festival has drawn audiences from everywhere and ukulele artists from around the world.

Big Island ukulele enthusiasts can strum along and play their part with a great lineup of ukulele masters. Come and join us for laughter, love and hope. Ukulele give-aways, ukulele lessons and more.

More information available on the Great Waikoloa Ukulele Festival's web site.

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Hana Hou Music Festival



Listing Info

from the Hana Hou Music Festival web site

The Hana Hou Music Festival will bring together music artists across genres from Pop, Jazz, World and Hawaiian to share center stage to help our Maui ohana recover, rebuild and heal through music.

Profits from the two-day event and all donations will be directed to the Hawai’i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund which 100% of donations will support impacted families and recovery efforts on Maui.

More information available on the Hana Hou Music Festival's web site.

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Hawai'i Island Ukulele Retreat



Listing Info

from the Hawai'i Island Ukulele Retreat web site

With 120 acres set within a pristine, tropical, ohia forest and bordered by a dramatic coastline and stunning cliffs, Kalani Honua, on the southeast corner of Hawai’i Island (where the lava meets the sea) is probably one of the most beautiful places on Earth to celebrate the ‘ukulele and all that Hawai’i has to offer. Besides offering us a warm and enthusiastic welcome (as well as meal options for vegetarians and vegans), a variety of lodging choices to fit a wide range of whims and budgets, Kalani also offers a full schedule of classes and workshops in yoga, meditation, dance, and Hawaiian crafts to augment our ‘ukulele workshops, events, and field trips.

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Maui Ukulele Festival



Listing Info

from the Maui Ukulele Festival web site

The annual Maui Ukulele Festival is a full afternoon of ukulele music at the first-class venue, the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. Bring your lawn chairs or roll out a blanket on the lawn and enjoy some of the islands’ favorite ukulele players. Since 2006, the Maui Ukulele Festival has featured Herb Ohta Sr. (Ohta-San), Jake Shimabukuro, Holunape, Raiatea Helm, Manoa DNA, Paula Fuga, Richard Ho'opi'i, Brittni Paiva, Kelly Boy Delima, Derek Sebastian and more, including local kupuna and keiki players! Ukulele door prizes, food booths, and more.

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Na Hoku O Hawaii Music Festival



Listing Info

from the Na Hoku O Hawaii Music Festival web site

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Uke Ohana Molokai



Listing Info

from the Uke Ohana Molokai web site

You will never find another Ukulele gathering like this, It will be led by Lono, one of Hawai'i's most beloved and talented folk artists. He will be joined by friends from Molokai's vibrant community of local singers, dancers, and musicians.

Spend 5 intimate days on the Spirit Isle experiencing the roots of what has inspired generations of Hawaiians to create beautiful music. Walk the land, swim in the waters, eat traditional foods, learn the language, talk story, dance hula and most of all play LOTS of happy Ukulele music!

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Ukulele Festival of Hawaii



Listing Info

from the Ukulele Festival of Hawaii web site

Ukulele Festival Hawaii is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization established in 2004 by Roy and Kathy Sakuma who have dedicated their life�s work to preserving interest and spreading the joy of the ukulele through free ukulele festivals, lessons, community events, college scholarships and the donation of ukulele to the underprivileged.

Ukulele Festival Hawaii�s biggest contribution is the presentation of free annual ukulele festivals on Oahu, the Big Island of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui. Approximately 20,000 locals and tourists enjoy the festivals that last about 5 hours each and where 100 ukulele are given away. Performers include ukulele artists and celebrities from Hawaii and the world including Japan, Canada, England, Guam, the mainland U.S. and an ukulele band of over 800, mostly children. Grammy Award pop singer, James Ingram and Jack Johnson have highlighted the festivals. Jazz saxophonist Gabe Baltazar, Santana�s bass player Benny Rietveld, drummer Noel Okimoto and the late jazz guitarist Howard Roberts have guest appeared with the Festival�s ukulele band. The ukulele unites everyone in friendship and appreciation by the simple and pure melodies of this remarkable instrument. Although Ukulele Festival Hawaii was established in 2004, Roy Sakuma organized the 1st Annual Ukulele Festival in 1971 while a maintenance worker for the City and County of Honolulu. Today, the annual Ukulele Festival on Oahu is the largest international ukulele festival of its kind in the world bringing laughter, love and hope.

More information available on the Ukulele Festival of Hawaii's web site.

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All festival submissions are verified before posting.

Be sure to check your listing for the most current information, dates, etc...
All festival listings have been verified at their time of listing. I rely on the festival organizers and site visitors to notify LearningUkulele.com of changes and updates. I do check at least once a year.

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Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books!Peter Rhee

Aloha, Curt, All I can say is WOW! What you have accomplished is simply incredible! All the bestGlen Hirabayashi, The Aloha Boys

Folks, if you haven't stopped by Curt's site, do so right now! ..And get his books, they are fantastic. This guy knows his stuff and is able to pass it along too.Alan Johnson Proprietor, The 4th Peg

I can highly recommend Curt's Uke books — I have four of them and they are excellent.fatveg — Portland

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Original Curtie Animation from 1987, for my first web site on a Macintosh II, 38 years ago. Man, does time fly.

“Built for myself (Curt), and sharing with the `Ukulele community!”

LearningUkulele.com has one of the largest collections of lessons, songs, and TABS, Luthiers, ukulele builders, ukulele festival and club information, and, ukulele links on the web. Curt has been on the ®Internet since the early 1990's and This site just never stops growing!!!

Content is added and updated daily — so check back often. I really do need to get out more ;-)

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