Ukulele Hoopla

Omaha Creative Institute Omaha, Nebreska USA
Listing Info
from the Ukulele Hoopla web site
Mark ‘Spanky’ Gutierrez says... Why you ask? As a very famous rodent once said “because we love you”! I was privy to some great ‘ukulele festivals in the early 2000’s. During that time I met some uke players that were not only great players but they were also great teachers! They had a passion for playing, teaching and they are great people too! I have said it before and I will say it again “uke people are the most open sharing folks you will ever meet. Those early festivals revived a life long passion in me that drove me back to college to get a Music Degree at UNO. I have always felt like I some how owed the ‘ukulele community something back... well here we are!
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All festival listings have been verified at their time of listing. I rely on the festival organizers and site visitors to notify LearningUkulele.com of changes and updates. I do check at least once a year.