1 Luthiers & Builders - Louisiana

Southcoast Ukes

501 Marigny Avenue Mandeville, Louisiana 70448 USA Phone: 504 491 1699
Listing Info
from the Southcoast Ukes web site
Southcoast Instruments are hand-built instruments. You may have heard this term used before by some excellent small shop builders. We actually mean it - in the truest sense of the word. We are not just saying that expert, individual attention is given to every operation.
We are saying that almost no machinery is used in the cutting and fabrication of our parts.
Southcoast Ukes was a project spun off from my consulting company, South Coast Furniture. South Coast Furniture offers design, production, finish formulation and quality control services to furniture manufacturers, and is the type of work I have done for most of my life.
More information available on the Southcoast Ukes's web site.
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