2 Luthiers & Builders - Maine

Earnest Musical Instruments

Joel Eckhaus, Luthier 12 Fairlawn Ave. S. Portland, ME 04106 USA 207 799-9788
Listing Info
from the Earnest Musical Instruments web site
EARNEST INSTRUMENTS are created for musicians who require functional, distinctive, high quality tools for making music. These are not your garden variety music store axes, but uncommon musical instruments designed to meet the needs of innovative players looking for something a little different. Rather than build reproductions of standard manufactured items, EARNEST combines time-tested styles and designs to create unique, original instruments with a classic appearance. Every effort is made to build the finest sounding and playing instruments. Their expense results from the quality of the materials and workmanship rather than unnecessary detail or excessive ornamentation. Materials are chosen for utility, tone, and appearance. Domestic and lesser known exotic tonewoods are favored over rare, overpriced, and often endangered species. Natural and manufactured materials are combined with appropriate adhesives and fasteners, at optimum humidity, to insure the stability and durability of the instruments. Earnest Instruments are built for a lifetime of music making!
<p class="text-center"><img src="//curtsheller.com/csp/app/assets/images/uke_images/earnestinstruments.jpg" alt="" width="250" height="69" />
More information available on the Earnest Musical Instruments's web site.
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Listing Info
from the Flewelling Guitar Works web site
I was raised in the potato farming region of northern Maine. After attending tech school I moved to the southeast and lived in Atlanta, Fayetteville, NC., and Nashville over the next eighteen years. Though as a teenager I desired to build guitars, my uneducated early attempts never saw completion and life demanded that I earn a living. I made that living in a cabinet shop in Atlanta where I learned many of my woodworking skills. I married a southern girl, Tracy, who has amazingly remained at my side for 28 years. I did fixits and paint jobs on friends’ guitars along the way but was in my 30’s before becoming serious as a luthier. I was later hired by Gibson Guitars to assist in developing their Dobro line of resophonics. I moved to the coast of Maine in 1999 to be near my family. In 2001 I started my own guitar shop doing repairs and building custom instruments.
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