3 Luthiers & Builders - Maryland

Enoch Instruments

11034 Montgomery Rd. Beltsville, Maryland 20705 USA Phone: 301-595-0373
Listing Info
from the Enoch Instruments web site
Kevin Enoch, founder of Enoch instruments, has been making and playing banjos and other stringed instruments since 1984. Enoch Instruments was formally established in 1990.
"I am personally dedicated to presenting only the finest quality banjo. My commitment ... to create banjos that play and sound as beautiful as they look. I feel confident that my instruments will satisfy your every expectation." - Kevin Enoch
Kevin's goal is to create an instrument designed for clawhammer playing, embracing the aesthetics of the great banjo makers of the early 20th century. Kevin's love for the music, as well as his craft, is apparent in the degree of care and precision he puts into every detail of these musical masterpieces.
More information available on the Enoch Instruments's web site.
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Glyph Custom Ukuleles

Dave Means 2237 Mulberry Hill Road Annapolis, MD 21409 Phone: (410)349-2713
Listing Info
from the Glyph Custom Ukuleles web site
A lifelong player and woodworker, Dave Means started building stringed instruments as an avocation in 1995. He has been doing set-up and repairs for over 30 years! Since retirement from his "day job" in February, lutherie is now his full-time retirement vocation. Being a research engineer by formal training and well-grounded in acoustical theory and practice gives Dave the know-how to make your ukulele sound right.
(Ed.) - I’ve had the occasion to play Dave’s ukes over the last few years at various ukulele festivals and they are incredible.
More information available on the Glyph Custom Ukuleles's web site.
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Hula Monkey Ukuleles

Glenn Bosshard 234 Waycross Way Arnold, MD 21012 USA Phone: 443-995-1023
Listing Info
from the Hula Monkey Ukuleles web site
Hula Monkey Ukuleles are handmade in Arnold, Maryland by luthier Glenn Bosshard. Each Hula Monkey ukulele is made one at a time and takes several weeks to complete. A variety of materials are used to construct a Hula Monkey uke mainly focusing on continental USA hardwoods but other exotic species are also used. Each piece of wood that goes into our ukes is hand selected for the best tonal qualities and most pleasing aesthetic.
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