4 Luthiers & Builders - Texas

Chantus Music

William King POB 4423 Austin, TX 78765-4423 512-459-3289
Listing Info
from the Chantus Music web site
Seems William King has gone back to a previous business and is out to building ukulele business.
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Listing Info
from the Spanky Banjo Ukes web site
Spanky Banjo Ukes are built by luthiers Dan Fobert and Phil Morris. Combining Phil’s longtime love affair with the ukulele and Dan’s creativity and innovative construction techniques, with input from other uke players they have developed an idea for an instrument built in the traditional way but utilizing up to date features. Spanky Banjo Ukes use a longer, wider concert scale length neck for easier play and a synthetic head to eliminate the problems natural skin heads have with changes in humidity. The advanced Renaissance and Fiberskyn head materials produce a mellow natural tone while maintaining plenty of banjo volume and punch.
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Listing Info
from the The Sugar Land Ukulele Manufacturing Company web site
Northeast Fort Bend County’s largest manufacturer of handmade ukuleles, so there! Ukuleles, for now. And various other things made of wood, like boxes. And witches. Other neat stuff is in development.
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Listing Info
from the Talina Ukuleles web site
UkuleleWorld.Com brand of premium items made to their recommendations and specifications.
We do not use rare and exotic woods in constructing Talina Ukuleles as we want to protect the rare trees in ravished forests. We believe that good design and careful craftsmanship in building a ukulele can more than offset the benefits of "Brazilian Redwood" and other rare woods for such instruments.
Our goal for Talina Ukuleles is for each instrument to give you the most-smiles-for-the-dollar that you can buy.
In short, Talina Ukuleles are made for Texas size fun. These instruments are carefully crafted in China.
More information available on the Talina Ukuleles's web site.
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