2 Luthiers & Builders - Missouri

Atelier Tomi Strings

Ernie Kleinman, Luthier and Bowmaker Missouri USA Phone: 816-462-3788
Listing Info
from the Atelier Tomi Strings web site
Twenty years of living in British Columbia, Canada expanded my horizons, discovering many ways of working in wood while pursuing a lifelong joy of playing stringed instruments and a passion for guitar-building. Since moving to the USA, I’ve taken inspiration from the vast selection of quality local hardwoods available for construction of stringed instruments, furniture and chairs.
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Hoffmann Lutherie

Call: 573-237-5889 1102 Olive St. New Haven, Missouri 63068 USA
Listing Info
from the Hoffmann Lutherie web site
Custom ukuleles built by Luthier Jerry Hoffmann. From 2005-2015 Hoffmann Lutherie operated under the name of Boat Paddle Ukulele Co. Boat Paddle instruments have evolved into new designs over the years, and will continue to evolve in a similar way under the new name. You will see older proven designs like the ML series, and new ones that build on past experience. Please look around the website to learn more, and to see what is currently available for sale.
Hoffmann ukuleles are custom designed for the best possible sound and appearance. All the parts that go into the instrument, and the instrument as a whole are made to achieve the best structural integrity where needed. Structures that resist string load are made stiff and those that translate sound are made responsive. This goes a long way in producing a rich sound and great playing experience. The appearance of Hoffmann ukuleles is a form-follows-function approach that creates new opportunities for design variations. Everything from the neck joint to the body size is taken into consideration for a style and sound all their own.
More information available on the Hoffmann Lutherie's web site.
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