Learning Ukulele with Curt

Luthiers & Builders: California, USA

Anakoneke Handcrafted Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Anakoneke Handcrafted Ukuleles web site

Composed using only the finest material, each ukulele is created using traditional and time-honored methods of construction. Anakoneke ukuleles are abhorent of mass production and created using hand-tools in the old world fashion; they are truely musical works of art.

Anakoneke (Antonette in Hawaiian) is an emerging luthier making waves in ukulele enthusiast circles for her elaborate, decorative inlay and creative custom designs. Passions for art, music, and nature all motivate the content and quality of her carefully crafted instruments; they are approached individually as one might approach the engineering of a bridge or the crafting of a public sculpture.

For Antonette, building a stringed instrument fulfills a latent dream that had been simmering for decades. The seed was planted in the late 70's when she saw a gorgeous handmade dulcimer hanging on the wall of the now famous McCabe's guitar shop in Santa Monica. In 2004 the dream was finally realized "with falling tears" as she applied a hand drawn label to her first ukulele: it was an authentic Hawaiian ukulele created under the instruction of the Hana Lima 'Ia Ukulele building class with artist Michael Chock. "Attaching that label," Antonette recalls, "was a symbol of finally accomplishing what I had dreamed about for so long."

More information available on the Anakoneke Handcrafted Ukuleles's web site.

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Joseph Bandy, Bandy Studios



Listing Info

from the Joseph Bandy, Bandy Studios web site

I custom build and repair guitars in my own shop and I couldn’t be happier. I thoroughly enjoy creating these instruments. I pay absurdly close attention to detail, but the result is very worth the extra time. My work has become my meditation as well as my creative outlet. Without it, I would be lost. And without my friends, family, and the others who have believed in me and supported my endeavors, none of this would have been possible.

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Bill Tapia Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Bill Tapia Ukuleles web site

Bill Tapia(tm) was celebrated worldwide as the 'Duke of Uke'. He performed with Bing Crosby, Billie Holiday, Fats Waller, Louis Armstrong, and just about everyone who was anyone in the early Hawaiian music scene.

He taught ukulele to Shirley Temple, Clark Gable and many others from Hollywood's Golden Era. In Bill's hands, the ukulele became a magical instrument.

Now, you can create magic of your own. Built to Bill's exacting standards, Bill Tapia ukuleles will take you wherever you want to go, musically. Bill never compromised with his music and neither do his signature ukuleles.

Each instrument is hand-crafted, using rigorous construction methods to ensure great sound, high quality, and sublime playability.

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Blackbird Guitars



Listing Info

from the Blackbird Guitars web site

Blackbird Guitars was founded by Joe Luttwak and Kyle Wolfe and now includes fellow designer Troy Stevens. After years searching for a compact guitar worth bringing along for the ride, all they could find was thin sounding and fragile. Eventually they realized that none of the established companies would tackle this problem so they decided to do it themselves.

It started innocently enough with the typical design process: produce as many ideas as possible and prototype them. It helped having all the latest tools such as three-dimensional CAD (computer-aided design), computer controlled laser cutters and routers as well as advanced materials such as carbon-fiber, and structural foams. Also being based in the San Francisco Bay Area meant access to many of worlds great steel-string luthiers who consulted and encouraged the project along so development continued. It quickly became clear that their non-traditional backgrounds were resulting in radically new directions. The result was part mountain dulcimer and part F1 race car that harmoniously balanced technology with traditional craftsmanship. All Blackbird Guitars are built in our shop in San Francisco overlooking the Bay.

More information available on the Blackbird Guitars's web site.

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Boulder Creek Guitars



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from the Boulder Creek Guitars web site

Boulder Creek Guitars was the born from an idea that was developed over 15 years ago by Mike Shellhammer. Mike, having spent his life in the music industry as a musician, store owner and product developer felt that there was a better way to brace a guitar than what was considered standard.

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Candelas Guitars



Listing Info

from the Candelas Guitars web site

Candelas Guitars are considered by many of the top and well-renowned musicians in the world to be the finest quality instruments of their kind. Each guitar is handmade from the finest woods by Tomas Delgado, a 3rd generation luthier and owner of Candelas Guitars, to produce the optimum pitch and sound possible. Candelas Guitars also custom builds guitars to specification.

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Ron Cooke Studios



Listing Info

from the Ron Cooke Studios web site

Ron Cook is a California born and bred artisan luthier and craftsman. He uses “green” methods and materials to create one-of-a-kind "sound sculptures", as well as medieval and Early American stringed instruments, carvings, and furnishings. He uses primarily recycled, salvaged and urban forest woods. He is particularly known for his detailed carvings and "tiled" methods of construction.

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Cordoba Guitars & Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Cordoba Guitars & Ukuleles web site

Founded in 1997, Cordoba seeks to guide the evolution of the nylon string guitar, blending traditional craftsmanship of the early master luthiers with modern developments. Inspired by the organic beauty and honesty of acoustic instruments, every Cordoba is lightweight, responsive, and a direct descendant of the Spanish tradition. Córdoba continues to challenge the definition of the acoustic guitar without sacrificing the authenticity of its heritage.

Cordoba seeks to guide the evolution of the nylon string guitar, blending traditional craftsmanship of the early master luthiers with modern developments.

Cordoba is the leading innovator in the nylon-string acoustic guitar market, and the only alternative nylon-string guitar company in the world. From the traditional to the ground breaking, Cordoba builds guitars for every style of guitarist.

More information available on the Cordoba Guitars & Ukuleles's web site.

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DaSilva Ukulele Co.



Listing Info

from the DaSilva Ukulele Co. web site

DaSilva Ukulele Co. in Berkeley, California is the workshop of Michael DaSilva where he makes high-quality , handcrafted ukuleles. You will also find the full-line of RISA Solid and Electric instruments and inexpensive beginner ukes. The shop is also host to house concerts, ukulele lessons and workshops, the occasional jam session and meetings of the Berkeley Ukulele Club. Check the Calendar for events.

DaSilva Ukulele Co. also provides expert instrument repair, ukulele building classes and supplies. Just call or email if you have questions about these items.

More information available on the DaSilva Ukulele Co.'s web site.

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Goat Rock Ukulele



Listing Info

from the Goat Rock Ukulele web site

I’ve worked with wood my entire life as a cabinet maker, finish carpenter and now a ukulele builder. My parents were both artists, making beautiful things runs deep. I strive to make the best ukuleles in both sound and sight. Goat Rock Ukulele is not a ukulele factory. I build few instruments at a time. Each ukulele is unique. I love building themed instruments that have connection to the eventual owner. I often build with recycled wood. Many woods harvested decades ago are of higher quality then is now available. I have recycled redwood from 75 year old cabernet wine tanks. It’s stained a beautiful purple from the wine. This wood will make an amazing top for a vintner themed Ukulele.

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Golden Gate Rhythm Machines



Listing Info

from the Golden Gate Rhythm Machines web site

The Golden Gate Rhythm Machine (GGRM) plays trad jazz and popular music of the teens, '20s and '30s in a listenable and danceable style performed by professional musicians with more than 40 years experience each. We're ready to play your festival, party, wedding or any event you can think of.

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Graziano Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Graziano Ukuleles web site

"Tony Graziano Ukuleles", Tony Graziano has been building musical instruments since 1969 and became interested in the Ukulele in 1978 , and then in 1995, after several years of building both guitars and Ukuleles, Tony began building Ukuleles almost exclusively. Tony likes to think of the ukulele as an instrument of the millennium. Its compact, easy to travel with, and brings joy to all who hear and play them. All Tony Graziano Ukes are built by Tony in his Santa Cruz shop using of the finest woods available.

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Heller Guitars



Listing Info

from the Heller Guitars web site

Thomas Heller, inspired by his love of blues artists like Robert Johnson, and guided by his background in building classical guitars, has constructed a truly unique line of acoustic steel string guitars that produce his trademark rich sound.

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Hill Guitar Company



Listing Info

from the Hill Guitar Company web site

Kenny Hill is one of the most accomplished, experienced and versatile classical guitar makers in the world today. He is recognized as a fine maker, player, teacher and innovator. He has worked as an individual luthier, in small workshops as well as in large factory settings, to bring fine guitars to thousands of players of all levels around the world.

Kenny Hill began building guitars in the mid 1970&rsquo;s, first in Santa Barbara, CA, then later in the Santa Cruz area. In 1978 he was awarded one of the first California Arts Council grants to an individual artist for his work as a guitar builder and guitarist. During that time he was instructor of guitar on the faculty at University of California, Santa Cruz, where he taught for 3 years. Kenny Hill builds the ukuleles that are used by <a href="http://www.armstrongartandnoveltyhut.com" target="_blank">Robert Armstrong</a> to paint his great theme ukes. &nbsp;

More information available on the Hill Guitar Company's web site.

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Iriguchi Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Iriguchi Ukuleles web site

Iriguchi Ukuleles is Diana and me. We are a husband/wife team. I am the luthier and web guy and Diana is my inspiration/muse/accountant. Oh, and Dieter is our shop dog. He&rsquo;s a German Shepherd. I build our ukuleles in a little workshop here in Carmichael, California, which is just outside Sacramento.

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Ken Franklin Guitars



Listing Info

from the Ken Franklin Guitars web site

Above all your guitar should sound luscious. I build with sculpted braces and graduated top thicknessing on guitar shapes that encourage the notes to ring from anywhere on the fretboard. I use only personally selected woods that I know will bring out an exceptionally clear, rich sound.

The design should be gorgeous. Just sitting in a stand, your guitar will generate conversation. The form is of classic lines at home in a contemporary setting. The woods and binding scheme compliment each other, and though it is thin, the finish is like diving in a pool of clear water. Your guitar is a balanced sculpture in wood.

But it won’t just sit in a stand. With accurate intonation and supple action, your guitar will have a playability that inspires your creative expression. It will be hard to put it down.

And like an old friend, your guitar should be reliable. I build with established techniques and materials for instruments that are just as well-made as they are responsive. Long after you’ve played your last note, your guitar will bring joy to future generations. It’s an investment in a musical life.

I build every guitar with all of these thoughts in mind.

Ken Franklin

More information available on the Ken Franklin Guitars's web site.

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Kimo Ukulele



Listing Info

from the Kimo Ukulele web site

My second home, Maui, and many years in ocean sports both on the mainland and the Islands naturally led me to the beauty of the Polynesian culture including slack-key guitar and ukulele.

I have always enjoyed designing and building for my personal use&ndash;the guitar and ukulele being no exception. In 1999, I made the decision to initiate this process and was fortunate to enlist the help of master luthier John Greven. I was thrilled with the instruments I was able to make and intrigued with the process of construction and the design possibilities. Now, over 10 years later, I still find the journey far from complete since the variables seem limitless.

More information available on the Kimo Ukulele's web site.

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John S. Kinnard Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the John S. Kinnard Ukuleles web site

Nestled in the foothills of northern San Diego County, just inland from the coast, sits the small village of Fallbrook, California. Known for its mild climate and laid back lifestyle, artisans of different genres cultivate their craft inspired by the beauty of the valleys and mountains that surround the town.

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Orpheus Valley Guitars and Kremona Studio



Listing Info

from the Orpheus Valley Guitars and Kremona Studio web site

Orpheus Valley Guitars and Kremona Studio violins are the product of Bulgaria&rsquo;s venerable Kremona lutherie, established in 1924. Enjoying continued success in many parts of the world, Kremona now offers their traditional European craftsmanship to North America. Recognized for superb build quality and solution-oriented pricing, Kremona musical instruments remain one of the industry&rsquo;s astonishing values.

#####Ukulele Pickup##### <img class="top" src="//curtsheller.com/ukulele/amplifying_your_ukulele/images/Kremona/ukulele-pickup.png" alt="Uke Pickup" width="100" height="48" />Natural, detachable passive piezo pickup solution for ukulele. Encased in lightweight tone wood, UK-1 ensures natural sounding amplification of your ukulele without modification to the instrument. Utilizing the tension of tuned strings, UK-1 installs safely and securely on the tie bar of most ukuleles. UK-1 comes complete with a detachable, easily replaceable cable. When not in use, UK-1 may be left in place with no detriment to the instrument&rsquo;s acoustic sound.

More information available on the Orpheus Valley Guitars and Kremona Studio's web site.

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Little River Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Little River Ukuleles web site

I have always been passionate about working with wood, and have been a professional woodworker for over 25 years. My woodworking skills have progressed from finish work, doors and cabinetry, furniture building, complex joinery, jewelry making, marquetry and inlay, and have come full circle to lutherie. Making finely crafted ukuleles is the culmination of my art and craft.

I feel very fortunate to have studied guitar building with Charles Fox, founder of The American School of Lutherie. Charles has been a huge influence in my instrument making, and the knowledge and inspiration I&rsquo;ve gained from his classes have set a very high standard for me. I usually feature inlay work on my instruments. I have had the honor of studying shell inlay with Larry Robinson, renowned artist, teacher and author on the subject of custom inlay techniques. Larry&rsquo;s influence on me has been profound.

More information available on the Little River Ukuleles's web site.

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Moku Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Moku Ukuleles web site

The Hawaiian word "Moku" means Island, which was the original inspiration for these beautiful Ukuleles. There is just something so simple and beautiful about the Ukulele - just like the Polynesian Islands they originated from. Play one yourself and bring your self back to the Islands.

Moku Ukuleles are amazing sounding instruments that have the craftsmanship of higher-grade instruments but with an affordable price tag. All Instruments are designed and spec;d here in San Francisco then manufactured with Top Notch Workshops overseas. When you play our Ukuleles you can't put one down, it's quite contagious! The Tone, the higher-grade wood used, the attention to detail, and the overall playability of these fine Ukes is what makes these instruments stand out.

More information available on the Moku Ukuleles's web site.

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MP Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the MP Ukuleles web site

MP Ukuleles are handcrafted instruments built on the California Central Coast by Mike Pereira.

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Nalu Ukulele Company



Listing Info

from the Nalu Ukulele Company web site

Los Angeles, California based ukulele company. We've spent years prototyping and testing ukulele after ukulele to be able to make one simple promise: When you buy a Nalu ukulele, you will be buying an ukulele with an outstanding sound, a beautiful appearance, and a structural integrity that guarantees it's built to last.

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New Wave Ukulele



Listing Info

from the New Wave Ukulele web site

New ukulele builder located in El Cajon, California My name is Eric Vossbrink, I am a Luthier from San Diego California. Originally from Los Angeles, I started working with guitars when I was 18 in music stores, eventually I went to work for one of the most prestigious guitar manufacturers in the world. My belief is that since ukulele music is becoming more sophisticated, so should the instrument. My goal is to create instruments that help the artist find their music.

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North Pacific Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the North Pacific Ukuleles web site

Hand built ukuleles from the finest woods available. These instruments have great tone and projection, and are available in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor and baritone.. Abalone inlay and custom detailing are a specialty. Woods used are Hawaiian Koa, Oregon flamed Mertle, 30-year-old Brazilian Rosewood, and North Coast Redwood. The sound, finish details, and ease of playing are wonderful!

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Oiwi Ukulele



Listing Info

from the Oiwi Ukulele web site

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Orca Carbon Fiber Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Orca Carbon Fiber Ukuleles web site

The Orca tenor ukulele prototype from the makers of Elixir Carbon Fiber Violins. We're a small shop located on San Francisco Bay in California. Literally on the Bay -- in a boat; a 60', 50 net ton steel trawler. All of our instruments are made one at a time, on the bench. When Robert Edney -- who developed the Elixir Violin -- got hooked on ukuleles it just had to happen: A new and different uke with great sound and maximum durability.

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Pohaku Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Pohaku Ukuleles web site

Pohaku Ukuleles are built by master craftsman Peter Hurney who began creating his Pohaku brand ukuleles in Hawaii in the early 90&rsquo;s. This one person shop, now in Berkeley, California, produces a limited number of high quality instruments which have found their way all over the globe and are enjoyed by prominent musicians worldwide.

Pohaku instruments have won numerous awards in woodshow competitions in Hawaii and on the mainland. A nice page of <a href="http://www.pohakuukulele.com/pages/technical.html" target="_blank">Tech Tips</a>.

More information available on the Pohaku Ukuleles's web site.

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Andy Powers Musical Instrument Co.



Listing Info

from the Andy Powers Musical Instrument Co. web site

Andy Powers grew up in a music-loving family in Oceanside, California. At the age of five Andy, the son of a carpenter and his artist wife, had his first workbench and shortly thereafter began playing piano. Andy took up playing the guitar when he was eight. In a house where musical instruments, tools and wood were all readily available, curiosity got the better of him and he began his first attempts at building guitars before the age of ten. With design and sound refinement the instruments began to improve tremendously, and Andy began selling the instruments to customers while he was still a teenager. Having been encouraged by his parents to pursue the arts, he began to explore the world of traditional inlayed art, using his instruments as a canvas.

<p class="text-sm text-grey">The original Andy Powers Instruments workshop is closed. Andy has continued pursuing the creation of fine new instruments at a new shop at the Taylor Guitars facility. You may want to visit taylorguitars.com to check out what he’s up to now. eMail: andy@andypowersinstruments.com</p>

More information available on the Andy Powers Musical Instrument Co.'s web site.

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Renaissance Guitar Company



Listing Info

from the Renaissance Guitar Company web site

Rick Turner started out as a music-lover and amateur East Coast musician, a self-described &ldquo;espresso drinking, beret wearing, poetry reading, bongo playing&rdquo; pre-hippie. He decided that the band wasn&rsquo;t going anywhere and moved out west, where he started work building electric guitars. Six months after the move, Rolling Stone printed a rave review on his now-defunct band. Rick, however, was already on to bigger and better things: winding pickups by hand.

He hand-wound the pickups simply because he couldn&rsquo;t figure out where to buy them. Instead of winding 8,000 turns like the machines at Gibson or Fender were doing, he stopped at 1,000, or 1,500, or whenever his hand was cramping too badly to continue. Enter Ron Wickersham, with his passion for active electronics. Ron quickly realized that these low-impedance pickups Rick was producing captured a much wider frequency band then the pickups on existing commercial instruments. Coupled with a pre-amp to boost the signal back to the levels achieved by high-impedance pickups, the result was an amplified guitar or bass with a much richer, more natural tone. Alembic Inc was born.

More information available on the Renaissance Guitar Company's web site.

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Road Toad Music



Listing Info

from the Road Toad Music web site

Road Toad Music produces quality handcrafted ukulele and bass instruments. Among the ukulele that Owen makes are a line of "bass" ukes. I played a few at the 2006 New York Ukulele Festival and they are amazing. You can't believe the sound that comes from these. Owen also designed the Kala UBass.

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Pepe Romero



Listing Info

from the Pepe Romero web site

Pepe Romero Jr. was born into a family that lives the Spanish guitar. From his childhood Pepe loved the guitar. He grew up playing some of the world&rsquo;s greatest guitars from the incredible collection of his father. Growing up surrounded by guitars made by Torres, Esteso, Santos Hernandez, Hauser, and Miguel Rodriguez set the standard for how a guitar should be made.

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Samick Guitar Company



Listing Info

from the Samick Guitar Company web site

For almost 40 years Samick has manufactured product for the leading brand names in the guitar business. In the process, we learned a great deal about not only what goes into a great guitar, but how to produce it at an affordable price. We also realized that the ability to produce quality product at an affordable price was only half the equation. There needed to be an all out effort to develop a powerful new identity for the product and our company.

We needed an entirely new line. For this enormous task, we called on Greg Bennett, an industry marketing and design veteran of almost 30 years. Greg&rsquo;s experience in high level marketing positions with the industry&rsquo;s leading manufacturers and retailers, coupled with a formal design and performance background, made him uniquely qualified. The challenge was to take the majority of credible design or style categories and design product that in effect paid tribute to the original designs while creating a new and unique perspective.

More information available on the Samick Guitar Company's web site.

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R.L. Saul Ukulele



Listing Info

from the R.L. Saul Ukulele web site

(Ed.) Haven’t found a web presence but here is link to Dream Guitars of NJ with a R. L. Saul ukulele. Dreamguitars.com 1 (609) 208-1531 4 Mountainview Court, Clarksburg, NJ 08510 Showings by Appointment

(Ed.) Haven’t found a web presence but here is link to Dream Guitars of NJ with a R. L. Saul ukulele. Dreamguitars.com 1 (609) 208-1531 4 Mountainview Court, Clarksburg, NJ 08510 Showings by Appointment

More information available on the R.L. Saul Ukulele's web site.

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Marc Silber Music



Listing Info

from the Marc Silber Music web site

Marc Silber Music -- Dealing in second hand instruments (guitars, Hawaiian guitars, mandolins, ukuleles, banjos etc.) for the past forty years. Making new acoustic instruments such as guitars, ukulele, and Hawaiian guitars since 1992, now under the name Marc Silber Guitars.

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Taylor Guitars



Listing Info

from the Taylor Guitars web site

"Taylor Guitars" is an El Cajon California based luthier, widely known for their quality acoustic guitars. Taylor Guitars was established as a small shop in 1974 by Bob Taylor and Kurt Listug and has since become one of the world's foremost manufacturer of premium-quality guitars. Taylor is widely recognized for its pioneering use of cutting-edge technology to craft ultra-playable, great-sounding and musically-inspiring guitars.

Bob Taylor's innovative designs have established new benchmarks throughout the guitar industry and earned the company numerous awards for its acoustic, acoustic/electric, and electric guitars. Although Taylor has no paid artist endorsers, some of the biggest names in the industry play Taylor guitars, including Dave Matthews, Prince, Jewel, the Goo Goo Dolls, Taylor Swift, Coheed and Cambria and Alan Jackson.Taylor Guitars is located in El Cajon, CA.

More information available on the Taylor Guitars's web site.

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3rd Wave Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the 3rd Wave Ukuleles web site

(dead link) - I don’t believe they are in business anymore. Several years ago they where attempting to sell the business.

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Tiki King



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from the Tiki King web site

As close as I can figure it started back in about 1966. My uncle was a surfer, and he once gave my dad a three foot stone Tiki as a gift. My dad put it out under the big tree next to my play house, where it stood for almost twenty years until said tree was cut down and the Tiki disappeared. But back then that Tiki was about as close to magic as it gets. It made an impression I guess. I have been carving Tikis as long as I can remember, but things really got going in 1993 on the day my wife and I drove up north for our honeymoon.

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Listing Info

from the Ukebrand web site

Made by the&nbsp;<a href="http://www.hillguitar.com/" target="_blank">Hill Guitar Company</a> Available at <a href="www.maui.net/~ukulele/uke_brand.html" target="_blank">Bounty Music Inc.</a> 111 Hana Hwy. #105 Kahului, Maui&nbsp;Hawaii&nbsp;96732 Phone: (808) 871-1141 Fax: (808) 871-1138

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Ukiyo Ukuleles



Listing Info

from the Ukiyo Ukuleles web site

Ukiyo Ukuleles is the brand name used by luthier Marc Schoenberger. He started making instruments professionally in the early 1990&rsquo;s and after a stint with Third Wave Ukuleles, a now defunct, (sometime after 2001), manufacturer from San Luis Obispo, he went off to found Ukiyo in 2000. He builds Soprano Concert and Tenor scale Ukuleles plus some reproductions of famous old models like the Stromberg-Voisinet Aero and the Harmony Vita.

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If you're anything like me (Curt) and getting Subscription overloaded with everything and everybody on-line wanting money from you once a month — I'm with you. For like-minded individuals, this forever plan is a pay once, and you're done.

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Simply Register/Signup. HOWEVER – I've been doing ukulele and LearningUkulele.com since 2003 and probably have given too much away already - as reflected in my income from the site in relationship to the time spent on the site. So help support this site and its continued development by signing up for one of the below Premium Access Plans or buy a few of my books. - Thanks, Curt

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Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books!Peter Rhee

Aloha, Curt, All I can say is WOW! What you have accomplished is simply incredible! All the bestGlen Hirabayashi, The Aloha Boys

Folks, if you haven't stopped by Curt's site, do so right now! ..And get his books, they are fantastic. This guy knows his stuff and is able to pass it along too.Alan Johnson Proprietor, The 4th Peg

I can highly recommend Curt's Uke books — I have four of them and they are excellent.fatveg — Portland

Want to drop LearningUkulele.com & Learning Ukulele with Curt a nice comment . We always like to know how we are and you are doing. We'll post any comment, quotes throughout the site and you can help spread the word .

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Original Curtie Animation from 1987, for my first web site on a Macintosh II, 38 years ago. Man, does time fly.

“Built for myself (Curt), and sharing with the `Ukulele community!”

LearningUkulele.com has one of the largest collections of lessons, songs, and TABS, Luthiers, ukulele builders, ukulele festival and club information, and, ukulele links on the web. Curt has been on the ®Internet since the early 1990's and This site just never stops growing!!!

Content is added and updated daily — so check back often. I really do need to get out more ;-)

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