Luthier Ukulele

Anakoneke Handcrafted Ukuleles

810 Gonzalez Dr. #7F San Francisco California, 94132 SAU
Listing Info
from the Anakoneke Handcrafted Ukuleles web site
Composed using only the finest material, each ukulele is created using traditional and time-honored methods of construction. Anakoneke ukuleles are abhorent of mass production and created using hand-tools in the old world fashion; they are truely musical works of art.
Anakoneke (Antonette in Hawaiian) is an emerging luthier making waves in ukulele enthusiast circles for her elaborate, decorative inlay and creative custom designs. Passions for art, music, and nature all motivate the content and quality of her carefully crafted instruments; they are approached individually as one might approach the engineering of a bridge or the crafting of a public sculpture.
For Antonette, building a stringed instrument fulfills a latent dream that had been simmering for decades. The seed was planted in the late 70's when she saw a gorgeous handmade dulcimer hanging on the wall of the now famous McCabe's guitar shop in Santa Monica. In 2004 the dream was finally realized "with falling tears" as she applied a hand drawn label to her first ukulele: it was an authentic Hawaiian ukulele created under the instruction of the Hana Lima 'Ia Ukulele building class with artist Michael Chock. "Attaching that label," Antonette recalls, "was a symbol of finally accomplishing what I had dreamed about for so long."
More information available on the Anakoneke Handcrafted Ukuleles's web site.
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