1 Luthiers & Builders - Oklahoma

John Mayes Guitars

3111 NE 96th Ave. Norman, OK, 73026 USA Phone: 405-579-9629
Listing Info
from the John Mayes Guitars web site
John Mayes started his lutherie career in 1996 when he built his first instrument, a walnut/cedar parlor guitar. In 2000 he accepted a position, working under the guidance of luthier Dana Bourgeois at Pantheon Guitars in Lewiston, Maine. While in Maine, John had a hand in building hundreds of guitars, refining his skills along the way. Some time later, John moved back to his home state of Oklahoma to start his own lutherie, Mayes Guitars.
His vast experience over the past 14 years has helped shape him into an well rounded luthier who is well versed in coaxing the most out of an instrument. John has built over 250 instruments bearing his name. John dedicates his full energy into every instrument he builds. We invite you to take a look around this site and contact John to experience a fruition of years of building and a passionate pursuit of perfection.
More information available on the John Mayes Guitars's web site.
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