2 Luthiers & Builders - Minnesota

Listing Info
from the Digging Stick Ukuleles web site
by Jeff & Margaret Burger in Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
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Listing Info
from the Hogbac Acoustics web site
Handcrafted Archtops, Ukes, Parlor guitars and repairs North Mankato, MN
For over 14 years now Hogbac Acoustics has been building and repairing acoustic instruments of every type and quality. All custom instruments are made out of the finest exotic and domestic woods available, with inlays and finishes that are unique and personalized to truly make each instrument one of a kind. Hogbac Acoustics current specialization is in archtop instruments, ukes, and parlor guitars, with a future expansion into Mandolins planned.
In regard to repair work, Hogbac Acoustics strives to maintain the functional integrity of each instrument we work on. No matter how simple or complex a repair job is, all receive the same focused attention and expert care.
More information available on the Hogbac Acoustics's web site.
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