3 Luthiers & Builders - Wisconsin

Bischoff Guitars & Ukulele

5150 Deerfield Road Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 USA Daytime Phone: (715) 832-8915 Evening Phone: (715) 834-3751
Listing Info
from the Bischoff Guitars & Ukulele web site
After studying performance on saxophone and guitar in the University of Wisconsin system, Gordon Bischoff proceeded to receive training in violin repair in 1974 at Redwing Technical College in Redwing, Minnesota. Using the skills and techniques from that training and incorporating every bit of printed material available on the subject he went on to pursue his true interest...guitars.
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Listing Info
from the Petros Ukuleles web site
Master luthiers, Bruce and Matt Petros, hand create resonant, rich, steel and nylon string guitars for the mature, discerning, fingerstyle player who is ready to own, and play, the very best.
Matthew has been building along side his father since the year 2000. Building on a 40 year legacy of guitar making, they began building Ukuleles in 2012 and have fallen in love with the instrument, the people and the process.
More information available on the Petros Ukuleles's web site.
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Todd Korup, the Uker of OZ

Ozaukee County, **Wisconsin USA
eMail: todd@theukerofoz.com
Listing Info
from the Todd Korup, the Uker of OZ web site
Well let's see. First and foremost I am a husband and father of 3 awesome kids. I love music, art, classic designs and building things. I love things made of fine wood and metal including classic cars, old buildings, old tools and machines, longboard skateboards and of coarse.instruments. The art of luthier has brought all those things together in a very rewarding way.
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