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Scrapple The Apple
Scrapple from the Apple is a bebop composition by Charlie Parker written in 1947, commonly recognized today as a jazz standard, written in F major. The song borrows its chord progression from "Honeysuckle Rose", a common practice for Parker, as he based many of his successful tunes over already well-known chord changes. While the A section is based on "Honeysuckle Rose", the B section or "middle eight" comes from the rhythm changes, which are based on George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm".
Scrapple the Apple — Premium Play-along Track
A bebop composition by Charlie Parker written in 1947.
Premium Play-along Tracks are only available to Premium
members and Active/Private Students.
Here is a Demo of Desafinado to get an idea of the quality of these custom play-along tracks.
Play-along Demo: Desafinado
Desafinado — Premium Play-along Track with Guitar Melody Played
I, (Curt) originally created these tracks to perform over for gigs and this was a demo for booking gigs.
These Premium Play-along Tracks are available to Site Members and are my personal one-of-kind tracks I (Curt) and Chuck Anderson recorded and arranged.

Scrapple the Apple is in the Real Book - Volume 1
— Sixth Edition book.
Main Song Download(s)
The main downloads for this Song.
Related Song Files, Resources and Assets
Related Assets for Scrapple The Apple