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All Blues
All Blues is a jazz composition by Miles Davis first appearing on the influential 1959 album Kind of Blue. It is a twelve-bar blues in; the chord sequence is that of a basic blues and made up entirely of seventh chords, with a VI in the turnaround instead of just the usual V chord. In the song's original key of G this chord is an E7. "All Blues" is a modal blues in G mixolydian.

All BLues is in the Real Book - Volume 1
— Sixth Edition book.
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All Blues in C
Updated: 30 Jul 2018
The Miles Davis classic arranged in key of C. All Blues is a jazz composition by Miles Davis first appearing on the influential 1959 album Kind of Blue. It is a twelve-bar blues in 6/4; the chord sequence is that of a basic blues and made up entirely of seventh chords, with a ♭VI in the turnaround instead of just the usual V chord. In the song's original key of G this chord is an E♭7. "All Blues" is an example of modal blues in G mixolydian.

All Blues in G
Updated: 30 Jul 2018
The Miles Davis classic arranged in key of G. All Blues is a jazz composition by Miles Davis first appearing on the influential 1959 album Kind of Blue. It is a twelve-bar blues in 6/4; the chord sequence is that of a basic blues and made up entirely of seventh chords, with a ♭VI in the turnaround instead of just the usual V chord. In the song's original key of G this chord is an E♭7. "All Blues" is an example of modal blues in G mixolydian.
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All Blues in C
Updated: 30 Jul 2018
The Miles Davis classic arranged in key of C. All Blues is a jazz composition by Miles Davis first appearing on the influential 1959 album Kind of Blue. It is a twelve-bar blues in 6/4; the chord sequence is that of a basic blues and made up entirely of seventh chords, with a ♭VI in the turnaround instead of just the usual V chord. In the song's original key of G this chord is an E♭7. "All Blues" is an example of modal blues in G mixolydian.

All Blues in G
Updated: 30 Jul 2018
The Miles Davis classic arranged in key of G. All Blues is a jazz composition by Miles Davis first appearing on the influential 1959 album Kind of Blue. It is a twelve-bar blues in 6/4; the chord sequence is that of a basic blues and made up entirely of seventh chords, with a ♭VI in the turnaround instead of just the usual V chord. In the song's original key of G this chord is an E♭7. "All Blues" is an example of modal blues in G mixolydian.