Sources: heroicons, fontawesone
User: user, user-info, user-circle, users
This is text with an icon inline. Testing when the heroicons
For the arrow, at icons the solid and outline are the same.
Miscellaneous Icons
Mobile, Tablet, Desktop
Just my luck, no ice. This thing comes fully loaded. AM/FM radio, reclining bucket seats, and... power windows. Yeah, but John, if The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists. Yes, Yes, without the oops! Must go faster.
- Blade UI Kit • A set of open-source libraries built for Laravel Blade.
- Fontawesome v5
- Heroicons - Repeatable SVG Background Patterns by Steve Schoger and Adam Wathan for TailwindUI • blade-ui-kit/blade-heroicons
- Hero Patterns - Repeatable SVG Background Patterns by Steve Schoger
- Zondicons - Free Premium SVG Icons by Steve Schoger
SVG Icons
Using Blade SVG and my icons tailwind CSS icon plugin
Heroicons (Steve Schoger) heroicons.dev
Zondicons (Steve Schoger) zondicons.com
Using Tailwind CSS sizes.
Using site classes.