Jazz Guitar
There is a lot of information available on-line from the Jazz Guitar community that we can draw from as ukulele players.
- Jazz Guitar Today • is an on-line magazine and social media community for jazz guitar professionals and enthusiasts. Our goal is to bring you the best information, tips, lessons, interviews and product reviews from the world of jazz guitar. Through our ever-growing network of industry performing professionals, educators and passionate jazz guitar enthusiasts, Jazz Guitar Today will always strive to provide readers with their daily ‘jazz guitar’ fix.
Be sure to checkout the lessons and articles by prominent jazz guitarists and educators.
LearningUkulele.com actually started out, way back in 1998 as GuitarResources.com (1998) -> JazzGuitarResources.com (2001) and finally when I, Curt got totally hooked on ukulele UkuleleResources and LearningUkulele.com.

2003 JazzGuitarResoruces.com Banner
“Chords can not be named out of context. They can only be named in the context of a chord progression or chord sequence and then only when the chord's harmonic function within that progression can be determined.” — Curt Sheller (me)
“That's the single most sensible statement about music that I've read in months, maybe years. Thanks, Curt.” — John Kavanagh, The 4th Peg Parlor Room
“Curt, I really enjoyed your set at The Whiskey--your low key intros, mic persona provided a cool contrast with your complex uke technique and ingenious arrangements!” — Jared Denhard